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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by Wish

  1. The update just keeps expanding! It's definitely going to be one of our biggest yet. *-*

  2. The control panel is temporarily down for maintenance, along with the voting site. They will be up before too long!
  3. Hello ForsakenRO, We have upgraded our security and encoded your passwords for your protection. To optimize your security, we highly recommend that you change your passwords as soon as possible. Thank you! ~ForsakenRO GM Team P.S. Also pass the message on to any friends you have that don't normally check the forums. :)
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  4. Well, they can't help but want to duplicate the best server out there, right? Same with all these other servers. ^^
  5. We've done it with other weapons, too. This isn't the first one. Again, please just wait to see how things go in game. This is Stave Crasher's description. Therefore, "non-existent" levels will not harm anything at all. P.S. Any further whining will be punished. We just released the update and spent a lot of time working on it. Please just chill out and wait.
  6. It is a very nice name. :)
  7. If you have any complaints about the valkyrie weapons, please wait to see how they actually affect the server before complaining here. Like Genesis said, if anything is outstanding, we will fix it. Try to keep open minds about this. Remember, this happened in the past, too, and most of the weapons came out fine! So please, relax on the criticism.
  8. Closed! Replies of those accepted will be sent out in the near future. Thank you for applying!
  9. GM applications close in 9.5 hours! Get them in!
  10. Wish

    Please Read

    Please broadcast in game not to give out account information and to be careful when making trades. Remind them that there is no instance in which they should need to give anything out, as no GM will EVER ask for the information. We have a scammer out right now, so please broadcast as frequently as possible. Thanks!
  11. And GM apps, too, plox. =D
  12. Hello ForsakenRO, We have an exciting announcement! ForsakenRO is currently looking for new Support/Event GMs! The purpose of these new positions is to do events in game, assist players via help desks, manage the ticket system, and participate/contribute to the decision making for new expansions! In order to apply, please copy and paste these questions and your answers to these questions in an email and send them to [email protected]! Please be honest, and good luck! 1. What is your full name? 2. What is your IGN? (In game name. Please include all characters you have.) 3. What is your forum name? (If you have one.) 4. How old are you? 5. What languages can you speak/translate? 6. Where do you live and what is your timezone? 7. Would you be willing to contribute to future expansions (not monetarily)? 8. Would you be willing to monitor and organize the Ticket system a few times a week? 9. Have you ever contributed to the server? if so, please explain how and provide links if possible. This is not limited to donating. This includes suggestions and reports you have made. 10. What traits do you think a GM should have to fulfill his/her job? 11. Have you ever been punished for disobeying the rules? If so, describe how. (We honor honesty and understand no one is perfect.) 12. How long have you been playing on ForsakenRO? 13. How long do you usually stay online at one time? On ForsakenRO? (Please give an average estimate.) 14. Please describe yourself (personality, goals, dreams, anything you feel will help us get to know you). 15. Have you ever been a GM here or on other servers? If so, elaborate. 16. Why would you like to be a GM on ForsakenRO? Requirements: 1. Understanding and ability to speak English. 2. Be at least 13 years old. (The Law prohibits us to hire anyone below that.) 3. Be a fun, open person! Applications will close at midnight server time on 7/1/11. For clarification, the midnight that marks the change between 7/1 and 7/2.
  13. Well, it's technically not "less good" because Forsaken Soldier has slots, while Forsaken Wanderer doesn't. Depending on how you use cards, the Forsaken Soldier set offers more advantages. If you're sure that you're fully patched, you might try redownloading the small patch and extracting it to your ForsakenRO folder. :) It might help you out a bit.
  14. Welcome to ForsakenRO! I hope that you find what you're looking for here. :)
  15. Wish

    Hello Forsakenro

    Hello and welcome to ForsakenRO! I feel that Veracity answered your question well. :) And know that we're always looking for ways to balance things out more and more.
  16. Wish

    Hello Forsaken Ro!

    Hello and welcome to ForsakenRO. :)
  17. Hi Belias! Welcome to ForsakenRO! Everyone has answered your questions for the most part, but it's fine to just post your guild recruitment in just German. I hope you enjoy your time here with us. ^^
  18. Don't know about the reward system? Click here! Points (remember, you need 40 to redeem an item from Genesis): [GM]Bishop: 36.5 (0.5 disappears if no event hosted by the end of 10/29) [GM]Caesious: 40.5 (0.5 disappears if no event hosted by the end of 10/29) [GM]Dream: 41 [GM]Fantasia: 72 [GM]Noir: 2 [GM]Perseverance1: 9 [GM]Zeal: 12 Tickets replied to (resets after 5): [GM]Bishop: 4 [GM]Caesious: 2 [GM]Dream: 4 [GM]Fantasia: 3 [GM]Noir: 3 [GM]Perseverance: 3 [GM]Zeal: Updated on 10/29 at 1:00 AM server time.
  19. Glad to finally be back. <3

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Ryuk


      Welcome back person upon a star :3.

    3. Wish


      Thanks, you three. :)

    4. BlaCkCatXIII


      GM you have full message inbox

      could you make a toad hat like one in the Super Mario we need it for our Super Mario Bros. Team our Toad is only Using Poison spore hat.. and it got thorns on it.. wish you could make a Toad hat like in Mario coz we have Luigi and Mario hat and could you also include Prince Peach Crown.. thanks

      i got this guild Super Mario Bros™ could you make a script for a Toad hat and Princess Peach crown.. Thanks Gm

  20. We are in need of permanent hosts for Friday's Annihilation and Tuesday's Guild vs. Guild. Please leave a message here if you are interested in taking one. Thanks!
  21. Thanks for all the congratulations, guys. :) Veracity and Justice really deserved the promotion for their long-term dedication to the server. Miracle, well, I don't know what we'd do without him being willing to take up the ladder! And of course, as usual, welcome again to our new GMs!
  22. Short and sweet: The ladder will now run for two weeks before being reset. (As of 02/25/11).
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