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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by Wish

  1. I don't see a problem with lowering the requirements to 15 of each. Also, we will be looking in to how to make the mining quest less buggy. If there isn't a solution, we will probably remove the mining quest all together and come up with an alternative.
  2. We're sorry for the delay, but there are a lot of checks we need to go through to make sure your claim is legit. We will attend to your ticket asap. :)
  3. There is a legendary gunslinger weapon. It's one of the ones that we've had for a while. Yes, it's one-handed! Also, here are the coordinates for some of the places around fcity: Quest Room: 63 117 (Cute Little Girl, Lord Kaho's Servant, Ninja Trainee, Monster Trainer, Fashionable Girl, Professor Worm, Henry, Kelly, Fairy Mistress) Trader: 56 108 (Event Rewards, Vote Redeemer, Token Trader, Imperial Token Exchanger, Renter) Church: 41 100 (Get married or divorced!) Mall: 31 129 (Basic equipment) Tavern: 30 172 (Coming soon!) Library: 60 163 Forsaken Castle: 90 164 (Prince Theodore III) Knight Hall: 118 163 (NPCs related to the Knight Quest and Legendary quests) Stylist: 112 117 (Stylist and Sex Changer) Newbie Center: 141 146 (More coming soon!) Travel Center: 163 149 (Safari Employee and Endless Tower Warper) Reset Room: 155 117 (Resetters) The Warper at @go 25 now takes you to the Forsaken King Room, the Playroom, and the Event Room. The Forsaken Kafra takes care of decarding/coin exchange for zeny/platinum skills and more! Hope this helps you guys get oriented!
  4. Hey guys, The Event NPC is now located in for_dia 187 191. The warper that takes you to the Event Room is now the normal Warper located at @go 25. That's it! Let's get some events hosted!
  5. Could you provide a screenshot of the issue, please?
  6. I'm not sure why the name got changed, but the item ID for the Books on Legendary weapons is 7431. It's called "Piles of Books" and drops from Isilla. Hope that helps!
  7. Hi, welcome to ForsakenRO! I hope you enjoy your time with us and that our server can satisfy you. :P Feel free to drop us a message about anything at all!
  8. Wish


    Welcome to ForsakenRO! As the others have said, feel free to drop us a message about anything at all!
  9. Hi, welcome to ForsakenRO! Please let us know if you need help with anything. :)
  10. Welcome back. :)
  11. Please refrain from posting in old topics! If you have a question, please use the ticket system, contact a GM, or post in the Support or General Discussion sections of the forum. Thank you!
  12. Thank you for the support, everyone. :) I hope you enjoy this! We had a lot of fun doing the testing, so hopefully it'll be fun for you all, too!
  13. Wish


    Welcome to fRO! As the others have said, if you have any questions or problems, feel free to come to us. We won't bite! :)
  14. Wish


    Welcome, Alvin! Please don't hesitate to ask questions or about anything. :) We're here for you!
  15. Welcome to our server. As always, feel free to let us know if you need help. :)
  16. Again, follow the guide in the wiki!
  17. If you need the exact format, you can check the guide on the wiki. :)
  18. Wish

    Hi Fro!

    Hello, welcome back. :)
  19. Our knight quest is a quest that's similar to an elite/hero quest. It gives you extra stats and the best non-donation armor.
  20. Correct. Elite merged with Knight. You do, however, still need to be level 255 in both base and job levels to start the Knight quest.
  21. Finally moved in to my dorm!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ScarletDevilmoon


      Coffee u saying that in a mean or good way? :3 like finally she left or as in finally she was able to get dorm :P

    3. coffee break

      coffee break

      hey! thats a good way.. im not menie

    4. ScarletDevilmoon


      Kay I believe u ;3....

  22. Welcome back, and ditto for what Veracity said. :)
  23. Again, the idea is to find them on your own. :) All NPC locations make sense for pirates in this case!
  24. You'll have to find them, but it makes sense. :)
  25. The quest RAW is given by the fairy mistress within a dungeon that brings fairies to mind. :)
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