There is a legendary gunslinger weapon. It's one of the ones that we've had for a while. Yes, it's one-handed!
Also, here are the coordinates for some of the places around fcity:
Quest Room: 63 117 (Cute Little Girl, Lord Kaho's Servant, Ninja Trainee, Monster Trainer, Fashionable Girl, Professor Worm, Henry, Kelly, Fairy Mistress)
Trader: 56 108 (Event Rewards, Vote Redeemer, Token Trader, Imperial Token Exchanger, Renter)
Church: 41 100 (Get married or divorced!)
Mall: 31 129 (Basic equipment)
Tavern: 30 172 (Coming soon!)
Library: 60 163
Forsaken Castle: 90 164 (Prince Theodore III)
Knight Hall: 118 163 (NPCs related to the Knight Quest and Legendary quests)
Stylist: 112 117 (Stylist and Sex Changer)
Newbie Center: 141 146 (More coming soon!)
Travel Center: 163 149 (Safari Employee and Endless Tower Warper)
Reset Room: 155 117 (Resetters)
The Warper at @go 25 now takes you to the Forsaken King Room, the Playroom, and the Event Room.
The Forsaken Kafra takes care of decarding/coin exchange for zeny/platinum skills and more!
Hope this helps you guys get oriented!