It won't just confuse people on what to get, It'll mess up with the whole visual aesthetic of the server, which is very well maintained here in my opinion. I've played servers where I logged in and saw a bunch of people with HUGE wings that cover at least 1 cell on each side of their characters and that makes different wings to "blend" if people are next to each other and create a monster, and let me add this, I quit those servers immediately. Imagine 10 or 50 of these wings in the emp room during WoE, you wouldn't even know who you're hitting, what if you need to kill a certain player (i.e: A professor that uses safety wall/land protector) ? You wouldn't be able to spot that player easily, it'd just be a pain. And not just for WoE, also in fcity it would be annoying to see a bunch of wings all mixed together. I'm sorry but I'll -1 this suggestion, maybe the small items are acceptable, but most of them are huge wings.