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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Poringly

  1. Yes, they does, If you try @ii Frigg, it'll show Frigg_Elite/King_Shield[1] << Which mean it has slot,, i think.
  2. 768 :3
  3. This is SO AWESOME :DD. I got a question.. 1.What happen to our old forum system? 2.Is the Baldr NPC Inside the Building? Or outside? :\ 3.What about the forsaken bullet/arrow Quest? Are they from the same NPC that is Baldr? Edit : 4.Can the Forsaken Wanderere Set/ Soldier set be sold or least stored? 5.What about the New berry and Lunch box? Can they be stored or smth too? 6.Anymore hint to find Baldr? Thanks for Anwering the Question and Good Job :DD FRO Seem's more awesome now. xDD;
  4. Hi Jasss, How's you? :3

  5. Wow nice list! P.s : Will we get more Custom monster or Mvp or smth Sooner or Later?
  6. I think im gonna vote for [ 3 ] Mr.Masochist, Because i like the 2D Pokemon that look like real thing, && It also got a small border which make's it look like a video clip ( I don't really know that to call it so yeah, Sorry ). & It's simple but on the same time, awesome. It's also doesn't really add anything much, but it's nice in some way ( If you get what i mean ). :3 Just hope this is valid. @__@ Idk if i had enough reason alrdy.
  7. [ 764 ]
  8. Poringly

    Narnia 3

    Well, i just saw from the Trailer : ,, It was fantastic as usual! o_o. && I think all the main character will be there as it was on this link : [x] Lol @__@!
  9. Oh, you're on ur vacation? :3

  10. Sooo, how's you? :3

  11. Poringly

    Hello ^^

    Hi and welcome to the server, Hope you can have fun in the server and Goodluck with everything you're doin. :D
  12. Poringly


    Well, hi and welcome to the server, i see you hab lots of fun alrdy. xDD; && yea, its kinda hard to get help, since people here's mostly went Afk or busy with their own problem. :3
  13. Yay!!, Finally. :DD! and uhh, im still wonderin what colour will it drop tho. and i think rather than having a Phil WoE, Asian WoE is better.
  14. Oh well, Lol.

    Hmm, i can't think for other nickname to call you ;_;!

    Aurora is a bit too long. 3:

  15. Hi Ryan! Nice to meet you. :)
  16. Can i call you 'Gaga'? xDD;

  17. 755
  18. Its not that easy ;-; 753
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