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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Poringly

  1. OMG! You got a promotion? :3

    Grats~ :D

  2. Poringly

    Red Ruckie

    @nines : some of us is still newb at spriting, so yeah. :\ & I've check some sprite from the link you gave us, and some of em's actually taken from the monster sprite, so its not all of it is original after all. :3 & Nice Bloo, i like the red one. :3 Edit : typo.
  3. Hi, welcome to the server! Hope you can enjoy your stay here! :3 Well, our system here's using Token instead of zeny, example : B>Tao[15] , it mean that the person's buying Tao gunka card for 15 tokens and 1 token cost 20~25m zeny. :3 Our max ASpd is 195, you can also vote for us by click here! :D && Try the Guide section for more guide. :3

  5. Happy B'day! ^^

  6. Dude, Happy B'day! :3

  7. Wedding bouquet, U kno? :3

    && How's you?

  8. U STILL ALIVE?!?!

  9. HI MEN.

    Can i hab da wedding flower? :3

  10. QQ~~ Mommyyyyy, i haven't u in ages! D:

    Are you still alive? :[

  11. o-o. That song actually get more and more comments , likes & dislikes every second.
  12. Cool! :3 It would be nicer if it has more color tho.
  13. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. n__n~
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oW590Jua2K4
  15. I've played em liek,, 2~3 year ago, it's not rly that nice. The pic's 2D, and its about a quest you must done with 1st job, and you'll have to fight some mini-boss & MvP It move w/ "A","S","D","W",etcetc. Dis is some pic of it, Annie dear, try click me for more information! :3 && Yea, its just like M***le S***y except it in RO version and RBO's lot more simple than M***le S**ry
  16. Stalker!! D:

    *Run to the edge of the world*

  17. Hppy Bday dood! :3

  18. Did the message that i send you got deleted when i deleted the convo? @.@

  19. :o!

    You goin 2 stalk me? xD;

  20. xD! Np!

    && Sup? :3

  21. I've been thingkin and idk who it was, so im just gonna ask u. xD;

    Who's the guy you always sit with? o-o

    & R u still makin out w/ Uncle? or its over alrdy? @.@

  22. :O?

    What? I was just passing by! 3:

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