Well, try Click Here for the donation item link & when you click the item, it'll give you the description.
No, We dont have 3rd class yet, we only have the spirte atm.
Commands : @warp, rura, storage , date , time , go , autoloot, ali, exp , mi , ii / iteminfo , duel , whereis , showzeny , rates , stafflist, there's actually 42 commands in the server and i can't type it all up. :\
Max level = 255/255 , Max ASpd = 195 , Rates = 6k/6k/1k , MvP card drop rate = 10%
Our system here's using Token / Coupon instead of Zeny.
&& I can't answer all of em because I don't really get what you mean, Sorry. :(
Edit : Typo.