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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Poringly

  1. You mean the Real Ryuk which i know or the Fake Ryuk in the manga/anime? o-o

  2. Ofc you do! <3.

    P.s : Lol Dan. :D

  3. Lol, i can't stalk him. D:

    Since its kinda hard 2 meet him ingame. :(

    Imma stalk keep stalkin you till i bored, K? :D

  4. Well, i neba see em. QQ!

    Mmm, Jennifer Lopez, JB, Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, Pitbull, Oh Land, Porcelain Black, TS, Selena Gomez, etcetcetc. :D

  5. But they're alrdy old 4 me since i never hear abt them and they didn't get much appearance on TV. :o

  6. Oh. xD;

    Well, i got 48 Char, do you want me to list all of em? @.@

  7. Cool. :3

    Mmm, so most of the song you listen's just linkin park? :3

  8. Ahhh, i see. :3

    Well, i only like Pop, a lil for Rock,Country & Rap/Techno. :D

    && Uhh, who's ur fav singer atm? :3

  9. Hmmmmmmmm, What kind of music do you like? o.o

    Well, idk what to ask atm, so we'll stick to that. xD;

  10. Hi, welcome to the server! Hope you can have fun here! :) Max Lvl = 255/255, Max Stats = 300, Max ASpd = 195, Rates = 6k/6k/1k, Mvp Card drop rate = 10%. We got lots of quest guide, Click Here! to see it & You can also vote for use at forsaken-ro.net/voting. To go to the main town, type @go 25, and we use @warp to move from one map to another. Try @whereis command to know where the monster you want to hunt is, ex : @whereis mummy , and it'll give you moc_pryd03 or smth, then type @warp moc_pryd03! We got some custom filds too! for_fild01~06. :D Our system here's Token / Donation Coupon instead of Zeny, ex : B>Tao[20] it mean that the person's buying Tao gunka card for 20 Token, 1 Token worth 20~25m Zeny. :) ForsakenRO also held event daily, hosted by the GM's. If you nid help from the Gm, type @request < the message you want to say >. If they didn't reply it mean there's no Gm on at the moment. :) Ask me if you got other question. P.s : Sorry if it was too long. x.x; ________ Edit : Fixed link.
  11. Ikr. :3

    && Idk what 2 ask now. :c

    Out of topic.

  12. & Oh, i stalk you at Euro WoE if you notice! :D

  13. What kind of apple? :3

    Green one? Red one? Juicy? Sweet? Sour?

  14. Lol, then i don't you make her a sweater? :3

    lrn2make from youtube. :D

  15. Hi, welcome to the server! Hope you can have fun here! :) Max Lvl = 255/255, Max Stats = 300, Max ASpd = 195, Rates = 6k/6k/1k, Mvp Card drop rate = 10%. We got lots of quest guide, Click here to see it & You can also vote for use at forsaken-ro.net/voting. To go to the main town, type @go 25, and we use @warp to move from one map to another. Try @whereis command to know where the monster you want to hunt is, ex : @whereis mummy , and it'll give you moc_pryd03 or smth, then type @warp moc_pryd03! We got some custom filds too! for_fild01~06. :D Our system here's Token instead of Zeny, ex : B>Tao[20] it mean that the person's buying Tao gunka card for 20 Token, 1 Token worth 20~25m Zeny. :) Ask me if you got other question.
  16. You're welcome! :D

    && Huh? I dont get it. :c

  17. xD;

    Soo, You really like apple? :3

  18. What kind of stuffs? Tell me!! D:

    && How bout webcam w/ Han? :3

  19. Well, try Click Here for the donation item link & when you click the item, it'll give you the description. No, We dont have 3rd class yet, we only have the spirte atm. Commands : @warp, rura, storage , date , time , go , autoloot, ali, exp , mi , ii / iteminfo , duel , whereis , showzeny , rates , stafflist, there's actually 42 commands in the server and i can't type it all up. :\ Max level = 255/255 , Max ASpd = 195 , Rates = 6k/6k/1k , MvP card drop rate = 10% Our system here's using Token / Coupon instead of Zeny. && I can't answer all of em because I don't really get what you mean, Sorry. :( Edit : Typo.
  20. Ahh, i see. xD;

    Sooo, whatchudoin~? :3

  21. Update! :3 147,219 Likes, 1,218,493 Dislikes. It's been 5h since Dani/Mac check it and the dislike actually increase by 7k. :o && Did they remove the official video? :\ The one which was posted by rebecca that is. , , , ! :3 Edit : Typo. :(
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