Hi, welcome to the server! Hope you can have fun here! :)
Max Lvl = 255/255, Max Stats = 300, Max ASpd = 195, Rates = 6k/6k/1k, Mvp Card drop rate = 10%.
We got lots of quest guide & You can also vote for use at forsaken-ro.net/voting.
To go to the main town, type @go 25, and we use @warp to move from one map to another.
Try @whereis command to know where the monster you want to hunt is, ex : @whereis mummy , and it'll give you moc_pryd03 or smth, then type @warp moc_pryd03!
We got some custom filds too! for_fild01~06. :D
Our system here's Token / Donation Coupon instead of Zeny, ex : B>Tao[20] it mean that the person's buying Tao gunka card for 20 Token, 1 Token worth 20~25m Zeny. :)
ForsakenRO also held event daily, hosted by the GM's. If you nid help from the Gm, type @request < the message you want to say >. If they didn't reply it mean there's no Gm on at the moment. :)
&& I b ur frend! :3
Just pm me in forum and we'll talk! <3.