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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Poringly

  1. o-o! By perv i mean perv customer. :3

    & Grats on ur New BF. :D

    Is he handsome?

  2. Ahhh, Awsm! :3

    Any perv you meet yet? xD;

  3. Harro again! :3

    How's you? Anythin nice happen? :D

  4. http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=oTs6oQx1WJY && Britney Spears - Up N Down Britney Spears - Inside and Out Song List! :o! I got addicted 2 Britney Spears now. Edit : Added more link! <3
  5. Poringly

    Hi Fro

    Hi, welcome to the server! Hope you can have fun here! :) Max Lvl = 255/255, Max Stats = 300, Max ASpd = 195, Rates = 6k/6k/1k, Mvp Card drop rate = 10%. We got lots of quest guide & You can also vote for use at forsaken-ro.net/voting. To go to the main town, type @go 25, and we use @warp to move from one map to another. Try @whereis command to know where the monster you want to hunt is, ex : @whereis mummy , and it'll give you moc_pryd03 or smth, then type @warp moc_pryd03! We got some custom filds too! for_fild01~06. :D Our system here's Token / Donation Coupon instead of Zeny, ex : B>Tao[20] it mean that the person's buying Tao gunka card for 20 Token, 1 Token worth 20~25m Zeny. :) ForsakenRO also held event daily, hosted by the GM's. If you nid help from the Gm, type @request < the message you want to say >. If they didn't reply it mean there's no Gm on at the moment. :) && I b ur frend! :3 Just pm me in forum and we'll talk! <3.
  6. Harro Annie! :3 && 840 Day's till the world end.
  7. Mmm~ Look like a digimon to me. :3 && It's nice. :D
  8. Lol. It's a RO with 3 server! :3

  9. Yea, we haven't met in ages! :c

    Cool, and uhh, what're you makin the animation for?

    Lol @~@, any nice movie in the Tv? :3

    Cya soon, Lucy! :D

    P.s : I miss you too. D:

  10. :o! You takin her to some random secret place? o-o

    I miss you too men, we haven't met in ages. D:

  11. :O! Get more sleep. :c

    Lol, nice. Well, i was plannin on playin a new RO, my bro asked me to play et with him. :D

  12. Woah, i wish i had dat kind of imagination. :c

  13. Woah, you pro! :3

  14. Cool! :3

    I can only last 10~20 sec playin it. :c

  15. Ahh, i see. xD;

    & Lol, its k<3, did chu hab fun w/ da snake? :3

  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3fFdVAaMDXY @Kuoch : You love the song? Or you don't like em but you can't stop listenin to it?
  17. Hiiiii Leennuuuuhhhhhhhh ~♥!

    ♥.♥~ I miss chu, you neba get on msn. :c

  18. Lol, Hab you kno abt the Snake long time ago or just knew it when i told you? xD;

    P.s : U accidentally post it on ur own profile, so yeah. :3

    @Dan : :o!

  19. n0p3! Still the same. :D

    && How's you, Dan? :3

  20. y@@, i think we've met b4. :D

    I b sayin hi nxt time we met then. n__n!

  21. Well, Kk then! :3

    Skypie. , S&H. , - Frozen Jelly -, - Puffin -, - Summer -. :D

    Tat's my main char. :)

    & Urs is?

  22. Teh Real one ish you! :o

    && 1.) Go to youtube

    2.) go to a random video

    3.) Pause at 0:00

    3.) Hold left/right arrow

    4.) Hit up arrow

    5.) Have fun playing snake

    6.) Enjoy! :3

  23. Men, Where'r you? I rarely see you and appie nowadays. :c

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