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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Poringly

  1. 9 0 9
  2. Ikr, just hope it doesn't hab too much diff from the current Raw. o-o
  3. !!

    Grat's on ur promotion to Senior GM. :3

    Keep up the good work! :D

  4. 901!
  5. Ommgg, Happy B'day! :3

  6. 899
  7. ^The Voting RAW actually have been approved in the Suggestion Thread by Devotion and when she's still still playin. But it never got implemented to the server. :s Edit : Typo.
  8. *I do not own the picture. o wo*
  9. 891
  10. 889~
  11. More vote & event item pls, i've been waiting for ages. ;-;~

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Danny


      Yah! More vote items please!

    3. Hikayu



    4. Reime


      I Support you

  12. Poringly

    Hi Bros

    Hi, welcome to the server! Hope you can have fun here! :) Max Lvl = 255/255, Max Stats = 300, Max ASpd = 195, Rates = 6k/6k/1k, Mvp Card drop rate = 10%. We got lots of quest guide & You can also vote for use at forsaken-ro.net/voting. To go to the main town, type @go 25, and we use @warp to move from one map to another. Try @whereis command to know where the monster you want to hunt is, ex : @whereis mummy , and it'll give you moc_pryd03 or smth, then type @warp moc_pryd03! We got some custom filds too! for_fild01~06. :D Our system here's Token / Donation Coupon instead of Zeny, ex : B>Tao[20] it mean that the person's buying Tao gunka card for 20 Token, 1 Token worth 20~25m Zeny. :) ForsakenRO also held event daily, hosted by the GM's. If you nid help from the Gm, type @request < the message you want to say >, If they didn't reply it mean there's no Gm online at the moment. :)
  13. 887 I wish somethin nice happen when it reach 1k. o.o
  14. Lol xD;

    ("\ O x O /") ~ RAWRR~

  15. You're out of the number, you shud be # 868. o-o I b d post number #878. Anyway, 878 / 898. If you guys want to stick to the current one we got then the nxt person postin's 899 , or 879 if you want to make it to the correct way.
  16. o.

    HAI! :D

    Sup? :3

  17. Lady Gaga - Judas ; Link~
  18. :o!

    I b the only poring monster in da server. :c

  19. :o

    Idk wat dat mean.

  20. Mmm~

    Ill come down when you stop stalkin me! :D

  21. :o!

    You're not a Poring-type-monster! You can't fly! :[

    && I hide behind the Ozone layer then. :D

  22. D:

    *Gettin my angelin wing then hide behind the clound in the sky* :3

  23. Mmm~ I think i do. xD;

    So, how's you? :3

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