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Lol, i see. xD;
What bout ur parent? dont they send you money every week/month? :3
:O! /patpatpat. What bout pretendin sick? :3 , Well you still got paid when you're sick, ryt? :D
Poringly replied to Trece's topic in Archive
Lol, kk<3.
my msn'll hab my name on it, so you wont get cofused. :D
Lol k<3.
Hmmm, i don't really on at msn & skype that much,but.. oh well, Msn pls. :3
I see. :D
&& Idk wat 2 say now. :s
How's you anyway? :3
<333! How's you? :DD
&& Aww, /patpat. Well, idk how to contact you beside dis forum :c
So yeh, sorry. D:
:O , butbutbut, idk how 2 contact you beside dis. :C
&& What'd you got for han b'day? :3
Happy B'day! :)
Ommmggggg, Happy B'day, Han!! :D
I hope you can make more love w/ than more than b4. :D
You got panda irl? :3
Lol. /patpatpat. What's your work again? @.@
Karreeeennnn~~~~ I miss chu so so so so so so so so much! :[
We haven't met in ages. QQ!!
Hiiiiii Jassssss. :D
HanHan!!! :(
I miss u so so so so so so so so so so so much! :[
Ahhh, cool. :3
I hope that too. :D
Ahhh, i see. x.x;
&& Idk what 2 say now. :[
Am just wonderin if you still do forum-in :3
&& How's da game? :D
Hi Stalker! :3
Awwww, get well soon! :[
& I tho you can contact her by msn? :3
Am gud, how's u? & Ur relationship with you-know-who. :D
Well, it's still cool tho. n___n;
Errmm, not pat, the other guy. @.@
Ahhh, i see, cool. :3
Fan boys? lol. xD;
Poringly replied to Seraphine's topic in Archive