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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Poringly

  1. :D!

    Np! :3

    && Q.Q!! I nid ur halp. :[

  2. Hppy Bday~ :3

  3. Lol, its k. :3

    So how's ur B'day Party? :D

  4. Q.Q!! Can sum1 re-upload the image for me? From other web beside imageshack that is. :3
  5. & http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8X7sR-0LJX0
  6. That happen to me too. =____="
  7. Yes, i'm here! :D

    & Hit you with what? o_o

  8. Poringly

    Hello Friends

    Hi , welcome to the server! Hope you enjoy your stay here. :D
  9. *Squeeze back & gib Chocolate* :3

  10. Tat's nice then! :D


  11. Q~Q;

    Oh well, :( . I hab to let chu go. :3

    & I'll miss chu too! && You'll still on in msn ryt? :D

  12. :O!

    U rly leavin? Pls tell me that its someone else that's using ur Forum ID and type that and not you. :(

    I'll be QQing everyday. D:

    P.s : Juan if u read dis, i got smth to say 2 u , that is : Y i can't comment in ur profile anymoar? D:

  13. Cool. :3

    && *Hugs* :D

  14. Photobucket sux, you have to register first to upload teh image and hab to be online at least once in 30 days or your image will be blocked or smth. :( , and im too lazy to do that both. I prefer tinypic which's lot more easier & faster. :3 P.s : Sorry for all teh photobucket user, no offense.
  15. ^What he say and again, why..?
  16. Poringly

    So Yeah

    Agree & this should be done by the time they're implemented. :s
  17. && http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxchPg3Ty9s ;D
  18. Q.Q! I can't see them, the imageshack's not allowing me to see em. :'(
  19. It's kinda good for a first try. :3 & Yeh, Jpeg sux. && i been usin tinypic all the time. :o! They're not that bad.
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