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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Poringly

  1. o-o, Really? He's ur dad?

    Ofc i miss chu! :3

    & I prefer Jelly Monster rather than "Zombie" =[

  2. Omg u srs? Wow~ You guys liek,, have s** alrdy? o__o

  3. Am good too, Ty for askin. :D

    But it's kinda hard tho, i hab to wake up early everyday. ;-;

  4. Poringly

    Pk-No Pk

    ^ o-o Check our Voting description, here's what it say in xtremetop100 : Rate:6k/6k/100 Max Level 255, Brand New server, Custom Hometown, Lots of Custom Items/Quests and PK Try us out And here's what they say in gamesites200 : NO Donation Exclusive Items, 500+ Players, Updated, Safari, Events, All Jobs/Items/Cards, International WoE, Friendly/Active GMs, 24/7 So yeh, one say that we're PK and one don't. I think we should update the one which didn't say "PK" or ppl would say "Wth? I tho this wasn't a PK server". :\ P.s : We're on 35~40 in the vote sites.
  5. Lol k<3.

    && Too bad. :\

    Good luck in your work, Auntie! :D

  6. Ikr, I prefer watch Glee but i only hab until Ep.10, Sux. D:

    Yea, Frigg's lame. :3

    o-o, You & Han date irl too?

    & Life sux, it's just gone worse than before. :\

    && I sux at pvp. D:

  7. Poringly


    Hi , Welcome to teh Server, hope you have fun here. :D
  8. Poringly


    Hi Welcome to the server! & are you really from Japan? o-o;
  9. Omg, Maria just stole my line! ;-;

    Oh well, Hi dood! how're u? :3

  10. :o!!

    Too bad. :\

    Oh well. xD;

    Hi Auntie, long time no see! How're you? :D

    P.s : Sry if i use to much emo in every line i say.

  11. Lol n___n.

    But its a nickname, doesn't really mean ur fat. :3

    && Hi Dan, how's u? :3

    Well, its been a long time since we talk and i dont really get on game anymore, kinda bored -___-", prolly when i got nothin to do, then i got in game? x3;

  12. Awesome , It's Hawt! :3 && Do they have animations like the rainbow emp? o-o
  13. Cool, hope i can see you soon. n___n.

  14. No prob~ :D

    && I gotta go study. ;-;

    Feelin so fkin lazy. D:

    Cya another time then~ :3

    P.s : Sry if i use too much emo for every line i say. o-o;

  15. I'm gud, ty for askin back. xD;

    && I like ur blog. o-o

    They're cool actually.

  16. Oh cool, quick reply. xD;

    How're you? :3

  17. Hppy Bday dood! :3

  18. Poringly

    Pvp Pet

    I was actually hoping for some of the FRo custom pet get some ability, just like the originial pet from iRO ( Idk if they're workin tho ). Since they wouldn't do much if they help us Pvp. Click here for the pet ability.
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