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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Perishable

  1. It was carlos. He broadcasted on a fake name of yours and the gm banned the real you I guess. I don't play anymore though. I only log on forums. But I visit in-game alot.
  2. the heck you doing here too Skull. and and hi rick flair
  3. Every women is a queen. And that's a fact. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

    1. Justice


      Happy Thanksgiving, Som!

    2. Perishable


      Thank you, Justice! I hope you have a great one!

    3. Iceforlover


      everyone women can be a queen, but their attitude has to change to be considered as one o~o... I've seen horrible people and good people.

  4. No? What the heck is a double deck bed? The person below live by Death Before Dishonor.
  5. Yes, I do. The person below will post after me.
  6. My name Cassidy, say hello to ya Majesty. Meek Mill ain't about that.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Perishable


      You look absolutely gorgeous. The kind of girl I'd like to marry.

    3. Centurion
    4. Leaz
  7. Coffee. Truth or Dare
  8. Can't get this. I'm in the zone.

    1. Leaz


      i can def get ittt.

    2. Perishable


      I'm a touchdown you have to gain, Maureen. I bet you, you can. Or I'll just let you get it. (:

  9. ROMNEYYYY 2012

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. brendanguyen
    3. TensaZangetsu


      What news you watching lol

    4. ScarletDevilmoon


      Idk it was in the morning was about to go to school and It just said "Mitt Romney won the election?" then I turned it off :3

  10. Taylor Swift. Yes or No.
  12. Happy Halloween Forsaken! Hope everyone have fun! I know I am :3. Halloween party !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. This is ridiculously overpowered stats. Other classes really do need to be a bit tanky. I agree with Aerynth
  14. Whoaa. We're top 2 in Ragnarok Top list.

    1. Leo `D

      Leo `D

      its like a week a ago :D

  15. Nothing I can do about it. I hate picking up this mess.

  16. I really don't mind it at all. I'm up for it but this isn't really something we need them to work on. There are a bunch of other important upcoming updates. This problem is only a slight color change. I rather see team forsaken put time on something we never had seen before than this butterfly aurora we've all seen and another new color fix. I'm not really that active as much as before in game but I participate in forums discussion and I like to share my inputs and experiences.
  17. I say keep it the way it is. It wasn't easy for the person who made the original black butterfly aurora. I don't know who did but yeah I wouldn't like it if someone request a change on their work. It wasn't easy for them to make it in the first place.
  18. I have a life. I'm a gamer and I only live once.
  19. I wish music could never sleep.

  20. Celtics all day bro. Eff. Miami Heats

    1. MyDogs123


      I don't think so cause Miami Heat Won all day Only vs Atlanta and Los Angles And the Whole Games they won So BOO CELTICS:)

    2. Perishable


      I do like Miami Heat but Boston Celtics is my home team. I gotta cheer for them, nahh meann brodiie.

  21. You guys have my support. & Christopher?.... Rest In Peace bro. Dang, why so soon.
  22. My suggestion is that WoE 2.0 should last 2 hours.
  23. Beautiful Life - De-lor
  24. I say not yet since the commercial growth and castle defense level is at 100%. It'll only benefit the guild that has it hostage. Easy to obtain when treasure spawns 24 everyday.
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