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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Perishable

  1. Happy Birthday, Adum.

  2. Hello! No. All the new Forsaken Weapons are 1-Handed.
  3. Ooh my god! Finally, this is what I wanted! Say Hello, 2010! hahahah
  4. Bumping topic.
  5. Selling : Ice Pick[180] Brisingamen[5 each] Ifrit rings[5 each a set] Sea-Otter Hat[120] Angry Snarl[100] Gray Beanie[150] Red Glasses[120] Red Sunglasses[20] Twin Bunnies[30Ea] Link Hat[20] Brown Butterfly Wings[40] Dragon Aurora[8 each] Blue Butterfly Wings[40] Valkyrie Helm[60] (Blue, Red, White, Black, Purple, Pink, and Tann) Golden Valkyrie Helm Red Fairy Wings [50] Garm Hat[10] Marina Hat[5] F.Daggers [65 Ea] F.Katars[8 each] Elite Sinx Set[15] Stalker Dagger[50] LK 1H Sword[35] LK 1H Spear[45 each] Elite Champion Mace [25 Ea] Elite Champion Knuckle[35 each] Champion Set [20 each] F.Wiz Staff[90 ea] 1H Pally Spear[35 ea] Forsaken Clown Bow[5ea] Prof. book [25] Prof Staff[90 Ea] Lif Hat[10] Observer[20] Deviruchi Wings[35] Sun Aurora [15] Sold to Fallen Blade. Racoon Tail [80] Sheep hat [35] White Trans Wings[50] Puppy Santa Hat[40] Refine Dev. Hat [90] Droopin' Valk Hat[45] Helm of Hermes[35] Medusa Doll [30] Phreeoni Hat [35] ND Str Belts [9 each] Green Emp[1300] or Offer. Cowring rucksack[1200 each or Offer] Black King Frog Hat[50] Pink Zodiac Aurora [650] F.King Armors[95 Each] F.King Cloaks[95 Each] F.King Shield[95 Each] F.King Boots[95 Each] Mix A Belts Str belts 70 ea Agi belts 70 ea Vit belts 70 ea Int Belts 70 ea Dex Belts 75 ea Luck belts 70 ea Mix B belts 80 ea 1k Lunatic Card[10] 6k Hydra Card[30] 2k Stainer Card[25] 3k Andre Card[25] Ghost Ring Card[7 each] 3k Argos Card[30] Phreeonis [33 ea] Eddga[20] Golden Thief Bug [20 ea] Mistress[5] Or Lord Card [15 ea] Doppelganger card[25] Maya card[6 ea] Maya P. Card [ 2 ea ] Dev Card [7 ea] Archangeling card[ 3 ea ] Incan. [20 ea] LOD [7 Ea] Tao [35 ea] TG[30 ea] SK [10 ea] Garm [10] GEC card[15 ea] Lk Card[45] Sinx Card [45] White Card[ 35 ea ] High Wizard Card[40] Sniper Card[45] Lady Tanee Card[20 ea] Kiel [40] Valk R. [20] Gloom [40 Ea] FBH[30 Ea] Skoll[10 ea] hollowring [10 ea] Dragoon Warlord[5 ea] 4. Full Chemical Protection Ticket[12] 90 Ygg Ticket[3:1] 272 Edp Ticket 2:1 Current coupon; 13280.
  6. Like what? a test room full of people or alone? If full of people, then it will be based on last hit from all the players attacking the emperium. Alone is eh? still won't know if you can last hit or not. Its not about how fast you destroy the emperium.
  7. Yes man. That's what I was facing against lol I don't think there's any way to counter it. Wait, there is. Hypercam or Fraps and remove them lol.
  8. I'm tired of people sprite editing. It's so overpowered. I can't even beat a sprite editing sinx with my HP around 180-200k. I always have to go 300-350. Sprite edit + buffs is so overpowered, you can't even ygg against them because they can infinite spam SB. I was fighting one 2 minutes ago. So Unbalanced. Why so desperate to kill? Have to sprite edit to kill? Geez. F*kin' tired of all these sprite editing.
  9. Farewell man, I'll miss you.

  10. I do it alot. People rarely asura me. But I mainly use gr+gloom & tao+gr.
  11. Hello! I'm Perishable aka Somdara! I veri sxc, u not. gtfo1!!
  12. Happy Birthday Bidoof.

  13. 6Six6Six6Six Donation Coupon for all.
  14. Perishable


    Hello, Chris!. How's your day on FRO so far?
  15. Perishable

    Hi Xd

    Hello, Shama. Welcome to the server! If you need help with anything, feel free to pm me. I can guide you around and help you obtain gears but I won't give you them, you must work for them.
  16. 200,000,000 HP.
  17. Actually, we're like 10 away now. ;[ We gotta keep voting fast
  18. Perishable

    Bank Npc

    4 digit code? wth then anyone can just sit there and guess.. teh hell lol And Item > Zeny. This is me though, don't know about you guys.
  19. Yeah I was planning to tell my friends from school and facebook but i'm a little afraid they will be like "this game?" I just hope we get in the top 10th. Gonna keep voting.
  20. Nahh I was just saying that Transcension made History. Probably the last guild that is gonan do that here again. Castle break but the economy is always high. Every break is -5 off whatevr you have on your commercial growth.Transcension held it longer than any guild in fro so far. I wish any guild right now could do that again. I miss the old days. 24 Treasure everyday. 100% Commercial growth. Now is just 0-9 economy and 4-5 treasure. ;[
  21. Love birds. You're not the only one here.
  22. Happens in every castle. No one can't defend nowadays. History of RO; Transcension is the first guild to hold 100 economy for the longest in ForsakenRO history.
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