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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Perishable

  1. LOL. I seen this shit already but not a song and on Itune.
  2. OLs kill in Ladder has been removed. And my point is, its not fear for people with no gears. Like you said Most of them got no gears and its already bad enough.
  3. If the kill/death ratio is being re-instated. How will the newbies do PvP Laddering if all the good players keep hogging the PvP ladder and keep the Kills / Deaths Ratio at 60%? Not everyone can do that. Most of the Solo Laddering players get gang'd and it isn't fair for them. Can we think about the newbies trying to ladder and sell wings to get gears?. Support them I just think putting a 7 days effort trying to stay first place is fair enough. Adding the Kills / Deaths ratio won't be fair for some players. Did you notice only the people laddering and that can do that suggest? Not the community? Effort 1. exertion of physical or mental power: It will take great effort to achieve victory. 2. an earnest or strenuous attempt: an effort to keep to the schedule. 3. something done by exertion or hard work: I thought it would be easy, but it was an effort. 4. an achievement, as in literature or art: The painting is one of his finest efforts. 5. the amount of exertion expended for a specified purpose: the war effort. 6. Chiefly British . a. an organized community drive or achievement. b. a fund-raising drive. 7. Mechanics . the force or energy that is applied to a machine for the accomplishment of useful work.
  4. (1) Guild : Team Conspiracy (2) Guild Master : Perishable (3) Biddin' 1500
  5. Hii! We've met in game. :D and now you're in my guild somehow. Anyways, welcome to ForsakenRO. Greetinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
  6. I agree'd with you. We can't kill Stalker class because of their reduction. Unless we got a coma'd on them. Even if we get FCP'd. Damage will be 500-2k and they do 15-20k until we drain out of yggs.
  7. Change Parody Guild Sub Forum to "The Conspiracy" please.
  8. Perishable


    Yeah man. Mad strong ass hell. I tried going 300 Vit, 2x Vit Belts, 2x Tao, and SKOLLS. TO TANK HIM. HE KILLED ME STILL!
  9. Royal Angel Wings are not 1800. I sold mine for 4k+ too. Last week.
  10. Perishable


    Okay, today. I went to for_fild01. This sniper bullied me ;[. lol. wakkekeke Mad SUPER OVER POWERED LEVEL 90000! SAIYAN 90129109219 did 999k Focused Arrow Strikeon me. SIGH HE PRO RIGHT? 999999 Damage. AND HOLY MOTHER OF LORDS.. 999999 Damage with Arrow Repel! Crazy HAXoR Sniper. DIS IS MAH OFF TOPIC. LEAVE IF YOUR GONNA HAVE A FLAME WAR.
  11. Santa Poring Hat isn't always good because it doesn't stack with two Fallen Bishop Hibram. +10 all stats over 20% more damage to DemiHuman!!!!! Dev > Santa Poring jaajaajjaaa
  12. Dean Dina T0NT0N Thai Xustin Jae Jay Peter Eli Zac Mario Gen0cide. Don Serenity Tonyyyy Sean Andy I miss ya'll niggas. ;(
  13. Perishable

    Hi~ Im Dominic :3

  14. Yes. It's supposed to gold Imperial but it drops higher than Imp. Helm so Imps are worth more. Gvh is 2.00% Imp Helm is 0.50%
  15. Perishable


    Why hello, Moxie. Welcome to ForsakenRO! If you have any questions, feel free to ask anyone of us here.
  16. Seven 0 Four
  17. Perishable


    I didn't say pvp. and Champion only break in woe if the emp has low hp and no one else attacking it. I broke 7 times on champ but with thana I'd probably do more damage and more fun. 17-22k with no thana. All the classes can Thanatos and have its effect. But champion, no.
  18. Perishable


    Uhm. For your information, thanatos is already nerfed on Champion. It only gives 28% more Damage to DemiHuman Monster. I'm asking to enable it for Physical Melee again. I think the reason they nuke the previous affect was because of Throw Spirit Sphere. If you rays or devs, you get "Overpowered" damaged by Thanatos Spirit Sphere. If you skoll, you get full'd asura and die. Here is what you should know : Thanatos Card : Deals more damage depending on the target's defense. Drain 1 SP from its owner on each attack. DEF- 30, Flee Rate - 30 [Champion] Nuke previous effect, Increase damage on DemiHuman monster by 28%. I am suggesting for Thanatos Card to give thanatos affect of Physical Melee so we can Emperium Breaking on Champion. Did I say PvP?
  19. Hmm. I've actually read the whole thread.... Maddd cussin' lol I still agree to your pillow fight. Not the flame war
  20. Perishable


    You know how on Champion class, Thanatos nuke previous effect and only increase damage on DemiHuman monster. My suggestion is to enable Thanatos Card like every other class again but disabled thanatos affect with Throw Spirit Sphere so it won't be overpowered like the reason it was nuke'd. I really like thanatos to be back the way it is so I can Physical Melee with it. I really like to use Champion for Emperium Breaking for War of Emperium. Nuke any other skills in Champion class that will make it overpower but enable it for Physical Melee please?
  21. Perishable

    Top 3

    9. Perishable 10. Justin 11. Smeay
  22. OOH MY GOD! That is so cute and adorable. That is very nice! Wow haha
  23. I vote for [4] Rune. I like how his signiture is so colorful and it look very nice like he put a good amount of time into his signiture to make it look great like that. I also like how he included Mulan with big spear out of nowhere. His sig. doesn't have any writing or texts in them which makes his siggy different from others in this week's theme. I Love the colorfulness & great work he put into his signiture.
  24. Welcome to ForsakenRO! My IGN is Perishable or Blazing Dragon. If you need help or have any questions, feel free to message me on the forums or PM me in-game.
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