I'm in between Agree and Disagree. This is a High Rate server and we're lucky they add the a certain % more damage with Spiral Pierce. I don't think any other server have done this. Lord Knight Halberd was too over powered. I cannot beat any Lord Knights with it when it was at 200%. Before the Lord Knight Halberd, Spiral Pierce damage was around 2-4k. I've died to it by Supreamus to only 2-4k spam. If you was to duel a Gypsy, Clown, Sniper, or other classes that has nothing to counter super high damage spiral pierce, how will they be able to fight back? They would have to spam ygg and like what if you want to get close to Physical Melee them to strip them or something, how will they be able to do that? Also, Champion. A Class that I mostly play in the server. If a Lord Knight is spamming that much damage at me, I cannot tank it. Even putting up Pneuma, they would charge you out of it then spam again. Also, Magnum Break. Lord Knight Halberd drain yggs from other classes more than other classes draining yggs from them. What more can you ask? They add like 100% more damage with spiral for lord knights already. Lord Knight Halberd is not just for spamming Spiral Pierce if you have one. Use it with other Lord Knight skills. It gives like almost 1k attack when being equiped. I've never seen any Lord Knight that have Lord Knight Black Halberd doing other skills with it than Spiral Pierce. Try Bowling Bash and other skills that all the Knights used to do.