Personally, I think LK is too strong. I myself cannot compete against a good Lord Knight user. The one that can do it all and drain our yggs faster than we drain theirs. Constant spam, causing us to delay and have trouble fighting back. When it comes to dueling an Lk, it's complicated for me. I have to ygg more than clicking on hotkeys to spam a skill on them. If an Lk was to duel me on champ, I pnuema, they magnum break and start spamming again. And when I rsx so I can't get knocked out of pnuema, they spam bowling bash. Asura doesn't always kill. LK have high HP. Only some champions that can speed asura. Like me, but I've duel about 4-5 good and best LK in this server before, and I can't ever beat them even with speed asura. Can't do it on them.They hit you so fast and spam so fast, you gotta ygg and try to counter it more than trying to lay an asura on them. If we do add something new for Lord Knight, please don't do anything like a high % and more spamming.