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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Perishable

  1. Nah, this is high rate.
  2. Suggesting for us to be able to see our damages done on emperium and players during woe. I know we had the clients and folers (Woe/Non-WoE) but they do not work. Or I just don't know how to use it. Possible?
  3. ken - 1st king
  4. Yes, I agree. Non-Donation should have their own PvP ladder.
  5. Perishable


    Lol, uh huh you know what it is, all the colors, all the colors, all the colors! Welcome to fRO!
  6. I'm fully patched. It errors me even when everything is patched.
  7. Genesis is right. New players are likely to stay because it is much easier for them to kill MvPs and sell cards and collect cards for themselves to use. Good way to start off. To me, I worry about population more than economy.
  8. Actually, it was more than 24.
  9. imad!!!
  10. I like the idea of adding WOE token. Leader give members Token and they save up for WoE Rewards by trading with an NPC and their requirements. I also agree with this. Boost it up. Our damage on the emp is more than 1.7k like by alot. Sanctuary doesn't really help much because of this. Only by alittle.
  11. Someone keeps erroring me in fcity. Here's the code. I want to know what is erroring me. Module Name: C:\Program Files\ForsakenRO\Fkenro.exe Time Stamp: 0x477b78c8 - Wed Jan 02 06:43:04 2008 Exception Type: 0xc0000005 0x004d045b Fkenro.exe 0x0064c3be Fkenro.exe 0x005b606a Fkenro.exe 0x0057012c Fkenro.exe 0x005700d4 Fkenro.exe 0x00678a0f Fkenro.exe 0x00699c0a Fkenro.exe 0x75ced0e9 kernel32.dll 0x76fe19bb ntdll.dll 0x76fe198e ntdll.dll eax: 0x00000002 ebx: 0x0ec85c10 ecx: 0x0a5e1fe0 edx: 0x001f4153 esi: 0x117746f0 edi: 0x0003fbdd ebp: 0x00129188 esp: 0x00128ec4 stack 00128ec4 - 001292c4 00128EC4 : 72 2B A1 11 00 00 00 00 09 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF 00128ED4 : 8D 30 5D FF 20 F4 C6 0E 98 0F B2 02 58 8F 12 00 00128EE4 : 60 36 A1 0E 01 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00128EF4 : 18 00 00 00 34 8F 12 00 B2 49 69 00 00 00 B2 02 00128F04 : 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 00 AB A1 0E 48 0D B2 02 00128F14 : 24 0A 75 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00128F24 : 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF 00128F34 : 60 8F 12 00 A9 48 69 00 C8 76 9C 0A A0 77 9C 0A 00128F44 : 0C 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 25 D0 4E 00 0C 00 00 00 00128F54 : 11 00 00 00 80 CE A7 11 90 CE A7 11 90 CE A7 11 00128F64 : 01 00 00 00 08 90 12 00 36 EC 6A 00 FF FF FF FF 00128F74 : 14 90 12 00 5C BC 4E 00 10 00 00 00 73 00 00 00 00128F84 : 00 00 00 00 00 00 B2 02 48 A9 95 11 00 00 00 01 00128F94 : 00 00 FF 00 11 01 1E 14 6B 00 00 00 E2 00 00 00 00128FA4 : C8 8F 12 00 AC 4D 40 00 08 0A 95 11 01 00 00 00 00128FB4 : 40 A9 95 11 CC 8F 12 00 EA 66 00 77 48 A9 95 11 Launch Info 01A5 00E4 01DA 00A6 01A5 00E4 00CB 00A4 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 Job : Assassin Cross
  12. Welcome to fRO! Hope you enjoy your stay here with us. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Everyone will help you out. If you need help guiding around, the NPC where you warp at novice02 zone will explain everything to you.
  13. 822 Posts in this topic.
  14. Er... no? War for F-City? Dis ish n0t a dem0cracy.
  15. Perishable


    One castle is a good idea since we don't have enough players at the moment. Once population increase, we can add back those castle. And maybe remove emperium auroras from the other castles and put in one castle. Dropping Green, Blue, Purple, Orange Emperiums. Spawning each emperium color chest with low percentage. Just saying..
  16. Whoaaa, nice huge update. Holy shizz.. Edited the elite weapons and shizz. LMFAO Yeah, this update will def. and finally help alot of newbies start off.
  17. Can you be specific? I don't understand how Rune of Power is erroring during woe even if a champion class doesn't have it equip? I use Rune of Power and I need a good reason because I use it for my Assassin Cross.
  18. Personally, I think LK is too strong. I myself cannot compete against a good Lord Knight user. The one that can do it all and drain our yggs faster than we drain theirs. Constant spam, causing us to delay and have trouble fighting back. When it comes to dueling an Lk, it's complicated for me. I have to ygg more than clicking on hotkeys to spam a skill on them. If an Lk was to duel me on champ, I pnuema, they magnum break and start spamming again. And when I rsx so I can't get knocked out of pnuema, they spam bowling bash. Asura doesn't always kill. LK have high HP. Only some champions that can speed asura. Like me, but I've duel about 4-5 good and best LK in this server before, and I can't ever beat them even with speed asura. Can't do it on them.They hit you so fast and spam so fast, you gotta ygg and try to counter it more than trying to lay an asura on them. If we do add something new for Lord Knight, please don't do anything like a high % and more spamming.
  19. Perishable


    Alright, I'll meet you in-game.
  20. Perishable


    What you talking about!!!! You don't have no thana!!!! I hab ur acc and I no see it!

  22. Perishable


    Selling : Champion Dorcus x 2 [800 Token Each] Sold one to Jet. Winged Drops Rucksack [850 Token] Winged Marin Rucksack [525 Token] Thanatos Card x 6 [Leave offer for each] Black Royal Angel Wings [2999 Token] Purple Sacred Wings x 2 [3625 Token Each] Royal Orange Angel Wings [3400 Token] Sacred White Wings [3333 Token] Purple Rune of Power [999 Token] Post a reply if you're interested in any of these items. If I don't reply, send me a message on the forums or look for me in-game.
  23. Perishable


    My wrath!!!! YOU MAD BRO.
  24. I say yes.
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