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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Perishable

  1. Happy 19th Birthday, Maria!
  2. Yeah, It's a legit break. He didn't switch any gears. I've done this before with aspd around 160s . I got stripped and still destroyed the emperium. I out break people being stripped. Wasn't alot of people there though. It's still crazy. And I also agree with Speedy. I don't see any switching gears either between the "The emperium has been destroyed."
  3. Make me a signiture please.

  4. Happy Birthday Danny

  5. LOL. You're funny Kelvin. If I camp outside of my house for 3 second, I'd get naked with you ;3. I won't die for camping.
  6. I lost 4k now i'm poor ;[

  7. Perishable

    Tomato Song~

    LOL. WTF? Why you making us listening to this weird tomato song?
  8. Perishable


    We need a 1-Hand Gun for Gunslinger. Not talking about renting. That's a different thing. I rather have a gun that I can keep forever without having to decard or lose the item. Since sniper bow was suppose to be two-handed and now have Sniper Soaring Bird which is 1-Handed. We need a Valkyrie Gunslinger Pistol. So I agree, I hope there's a new weapon for gunslinger. I heard there's another expansion to the weapons.
  9. How about Purple Mythical Flame + Black Mythical Flame & 50 Yggdrasil Berry Ticket? :3
  10. I'm sure plenty of us (was/were/will/still) in the same situation as you. I remember when I had the same problem a you. But good thing I overcome this situation and got better at it. You can still try to impress someone with stuff that you can do but be yourself and impress them with what you can do. Get to know her better. Ask her what she likes to do and make her laugh. If you get to the point where you have nothing else to say and you can't think of anything, comment her. By comment, I mean like "I like your shirt" "Your eyes are pretty" "You have a nice smile". And do not lie anything about you. Ask her what type of music she likes or listen to. Don't be shy or act scared around her. You and her are both humans. Be like "Wow your hands are so small and cute" (once you get to touch her hands and feel it, play with it). Hold her hands and swing it around. If she is shy, that's good! You get to start off with things and make her feel more closer to you, then she won't be shy at all. Don't do all these too fast. You'll know when you have to do it. Sometime it's better to get advices from the same sex as you because the boys experienced and really do this stuff to the girls. Girls have seen people done this or to them or from movies. Just saying but yeah. Don't say I'm bored or stuff like that. Just find something to do with her. These are just some stuff you should know or do. There's allot more but start off with the basic stuff you think you should do first. Take everything slow. Don't be too serious about it.
  11. hi i perishable.. u r welcome to da servahh.
  12. It's cool lmao. I know him irl. I was just kidding around.
  13. What set you bang nigga? I don't spit shit, I spit gold. And pretty good, for a 16 years old. :3 ily timothy.
  14. My mirror is dirty. SO WHAT!! Suwooop!!
  15. lmao. I've seen that commercial. It's so funny! My grandma was watching it too. It's like a strength bracelets or some shit that keeps you strong in balance.
  16. I've seen this like 3 years ago.
  17. I am 100% in this. Fight all the egoistic people who think they're good just because they can kill (random before they even do anything) without really having a duel.
  18. Congratulations to Daniel Garcia! ( Best BR player in ForsakenRO ). Cannot wait for the storyline.
  19. Perishable


  20. They're amazing. I wish I can draw like that.
  21. Perishable


    This is kind of the right section. You discuss things relating to the server.
  22. Guild : Ahlopjoimaiwearbeamkadaw Guild Leader : Perishable 2222
  23. Guild Name : Ahlopjoimaiwearbeamkadaw Guild Leader : Perishable 1400
  24. Seven One Eight
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