I kinda agree with this thread but I don't think it's possible. I'm the type of Guild Leader that woes and let members open treasure now. I don't need anything from treasure except the New Valkyrie Weapons (which is not woe related). Got everything I wanted. There is more ways to get rich than just Woeing. There are Ladder, Sotw, Selling for a crazy price, Buy for cheap, sell for high, etc. WoE, you won't always win woe and you barely get drops because woe rewards are low chance to get them. If you use (@mi) and the Treasure ID for certain castle, you'll see the % chance to get the reward for certain items. All of the castle have the same % rate for each Woe Drops. Plus, guilds nowadays cannot hold castle to get high commercial growths because of how many guilds and breakers rushing castle to destroy the emperium. So any guild that have castle only have 4 Treasure monster to kill. Every 5-7 commercial growth(Castle Economy) you get another extra treasure. Guild Leader gets to invest twice a day. You get 1-2 commercial growth everytime you invest. So only 4-5 chances of getting ... Errr Here's the ID.
Fadhgridh Castle (prtg_cas03)
ID is (@mi 1358)
Deviling Rucksack : 2.50%
Blue Imperial Valkyrie Helm : 0.50%
Yggdrasil Red Box 100.00%
Blue Emperium Aurora 2.00%
Flapping Deviling Wings 2.00%
Omen of Tempest 0.80%
Badge of Honor 0.40%
Forsaken Soldier Card 2.00%
2nd ID (@mi 1359) This ID doesn't have Blue Emperium so it makes blue emp rare and cost more than any other emperium. Because all the other castle have 2 ID and both ID drops their Emperium. So blue is still hard to get.
Deviling Rucksack : 2.50%
Forsaken Soldier Card 2.00%
Flapping Deviling Wings 2.00%
Omen of Tempest 0.80%
Badge of Honor 0.40%
Yggdrasil Red Box 100%
If nothing drops, you get only Yggdrasil Red Box. You can get more than 1 drops from 1 treasure. Just low chance.
Here's the ID for
Alde @mi 1326 & @mi 1327.
Payon @mi 1350 & @mi 1351.
Geffen @mi 1334 & @mi 1335.
Check them out for more information.