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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Perishable

  1. Perishable


    Exactly! There shouldn't be a kill ratio. Just devote and hard work. Excluding cheaters
  2. I offered some nigga in Influence for Blue Imp. 3.7k.. he said no... wow!
  3. Perishable


    W]-[y n0 +hin|(!!? Why d0n't y0u 6uy5 wa/\/t /\/ewbies t0 |adder an|) 6e+ 6ear up? u pros wan da best 4 u guiz. waaa jaaa keeekeeeekeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. As long as they are ranking top 1 by friday and not cheating, they win. The ratio might be hard. The rules stayed like this for awhile, I say we just leave it. wakekekekkee............. I Agree with what shadi's saying.
  4. Guild : Limit Leader: Perishable [/url] 2600.
  5. Guild : The Conspiracy Leader : Star Galaxy Bidding at 1800 Donation Coupon.
  6. Perishable

    Madox's Shop

    I'll give you 500 Coupons for all those MvPs.
  7. Perishable

    Lebron James

    Good luck with the heats!
  8. I disagree.
  9. Nah. Its just like every other counters. Ghostring counter pally and creator etc
  10. You finally made the team. Good job nga

  11. After reading this Article, I think alot on how they handle things taking calls from us. http://jobs.aol.com/articles/2010/07/05/911-job/ I just feel like sharing.. Since alot of us are bored.
  12. Perishable

    Dear Diary.

    Dear Diary, I can't decide who I should hang out with today.. Crystal or Nickole? Nickole.. eh? Crystal? Urghhhhhhh!
  13. We need more people to agree on this.
  14. Yellow Emp at 10k? I disagree. It makes the economy worse because people have too much coupons flying around and don't need to buy any cards or item anymore. I can rarely sell all my cards or equips nowadays.
  15. Hell the fuck yeah. I hate RM. TPBM is single.
  16. 683 monkeys jumping of the bed.
  17. Yeah, same here.
  18. lol
  19. Dance with the devil.
  20. Just like that lol
  21. Freaken noobs!
  22. It's what some of you guys are lol
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