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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Perishable

  1. Part (one) Part (two) http://www.youtube.com/watch#!v=u6JKP_...feature=channel Part (three) http://www.youtube.com/watch#!v=bj3rIU...feature=channel Part (four)
  2. LOL. Welcome back
  3. Perishable

    Mail Box

    Atleast 5-10m? Cuz geez. this dude have 40 b zeny and he wants to buy my emp for 20b...
  4. Perishable


  5. Perishable

    New Job

    I need a job in irl!
  6. Perishable


    LOL. IKR. What the heck is his problem!
  7. Perishable


    n0p!!! u dance like a crazy guy!!
  8. Perishable


    n0p!! i wan tell the whole world u did dis 4 me. Cuz u didnt want to webcam or nothing!!!
  9. Perishable


    Guys!! dis is da guy with da blue sacred wings + blue emp with blue imp helm guy in fro!! his ign name is Drax. he record this cuz he is veri veri, veri!!! horny!! and his insane moment cuz he doesn't want to webcam with me.! ;[ fk him ok? but dis is all he is doing for me, he said no more!!! - Drax
  10. Perishable

    Im New

    LOL WTH. She's not new, probably new to the forums. Anyways, welcome to the forums!
  11. Perishable


    green 870
  12. Perishable

    Ruck Sacks

    Rucksack should give like 3-5% weight capacity lol since it's like a backpack? iunno lol
  13. lol..
  14. Try downloading [GM]Ryuk's file. Copy and paste this link http://www.megaupload.com/?d=1H6ZGAHH into your url. Download the files and overwrite them with your current stuff in Forsaken RO Folder.
  15. Rich nga LOL. That's professional right there
  16. Hey. Welcome to the forums.
  17. Love your shop so far.
  18. I vote for Entry 5, for Niromi's entry. I think her sig. for this is week's SOTW is really cool. Also, her picture in her signiture is what really made me wanting to vote for her.
  19. 1. Yes 2. Cannot be fix? We didn't nerfed it. It just came with the updates we updated for the server? I think 3. Yes 4. Maybe. Since I don't play those classes.
  20. Why was it removed in the first place? I wanted to slot my Assassin Daggers to [1].
  21. 671
  22. This topic is about Sora, not smeay.
  23. I spam tarot while spamming av a few times, so some are legit.
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