Wow. You guys are ridiculous; The BUFF NPC IS NOTHING. Even if we have full buff, you can kill us still. Stop complaining like you can't kill us. You guys already know how to counter it. Use valkyrie randgris. Gosh, lrn2fuckin' play a game for once. If I don't lag and I can speed asura like before, I'd always pvp in forfild with it. I aways run because i'm scared to die, cz I lag and I don't even get mad like you people. I see alot of haters already. Having alot of coupons doesn't mean your rich. Do I have alot of coupons? No; You can even ask Genesis. They can log on my account and check. We bid that high because of guildies pitched in coupons to get it. And Elimination is correct; even he sees it. YOU CAN KILL US and why are you complaining? Damn. We aren't even that good. Lol people these day. Ask your friends, guildies, whoever. And save up coupon. just bid for the Hideout next time. Just do you, and let us be us.