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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Perishable

  1. Perishable

    Stop & Shop

    Perishable's Shop Head : Winter Hat [25 Donation Coupon] Emperor's Laurel Crown [150 Donation Cupon] Gray Beanie [150 Donation Coupon] Guild Member Hat [150 Donation Coupon] Suke Hat [10 Donation Coupon] 2 Dragon Aurora [10 Donation Coupon Each] Green Transparent Wings [50 Donation Coupon] Flapping Angeling Wings [40 Donation Coupon] Golden Valkyrie Helm [250 Donation Coupon] Valkyrie Helm (Forsaken King's Helm) [70 Donation Coupon] Moon Aurora [15 Donation Coupon] 2 Sun Aurora [15 Donation Coupon Each] Baby Blue Butterfly Wings [40 Donation Coupon] Deviruchi Wings [50 Donation Coupon] Hode Hat [150 Donation Coupon] Sheep Hat [50 Donation Coupon] Angeling Rucksack [130 Donatio Coupon] White Transparent Wings [70 Donation Coupon] Drooping Valkyrie [30 Donation Coupon] Sold to Despair Helm of Mermes [20 Donation Coupon] Medusa Hat [25 Donation Coupon] Skeleton Rucksack [350 Donation Coupon] Purple Zodiac Aurora [900 Donation Coupon] Lif Hat [10 Donatin Coupon] Irish Hat [150 Donation Coupon] Green Butterfly Wings [50 Donation Coupon] Compound on: Head 5 Maya Purple Card [5 Donation Coupon Each] 7 Kiel-D01 Card [40 Donation Coupon Each] 2 Archangeling Cad [10 Donation Coupon Each] Gemini-S58 Card [2 Donation Coupon] Lord Knight Card [50 Donation Coupon] Armor : Forsaken Lord Knight Armor [7 Donation Coupon] Fosaken Creator Armor [7 Donation Coupon] Forsaken Whitesmith Armor [7 Donation Coupon] Forsaken Assassin Cross Armor [7 Donation Coupo] Forsaken Stalker Armor [7 Donation Coupon] 7 Forsaken Champion Armor [7 Donation Coupon Each] 2 +10 Forsaken King's Armor [80 Donation Coupon Each] 8 Forsaken King's Armor [95 Donation Coupon Each] Compound on: Armor 11 Ghostring Card [7 Donation Coupon Each] 5 Orc Lord Card [25 Donation Coupon Each] 5 RSX 0806 Card [15 Donation Coupon Each] 4 Gloom Under Night Card [50 Donation Coupon Each] Garm [10 Donation Coupon] Shield : 4 Forsaken King's Shield [95 Donation Coupon Each] Sold one to Despair, 3 left. Compound on: Shield 2 Golden Theif Bug [25 Donation Coupon Each] 2 Maya [10 Donation Coupon Each] Hand : 2 +10 Forsaken Dagger ( Job: Assassin Cross ) [80 Donation Coupon Each] 2 +10 Forsaken Katar ( Job: Assassin Cross ) [15 Donation Coupon Each] Forsaken Katar ( Job: Assassin Cross ) [15 Donation Coupon] +10 Forsaken Magical Dagger ( Job: Stalker ) [50 Donation Coupon] Forsaken Magical Dagger ( Job: Stalker ) [50 Donatin Coupon] 2 +10 Forsaken Chamion Mace [35 Donation Coupon Each] 4 +10 Forsaken Champion Knuckle [50 Donation Coupon Each] Forsaken High Wizard Staff [120 Donation Coupon] 2 +10 Forsaken Paladin One-Handed Spear [50 Donation Coupon Each] +10 Forsaken Gypsy Whip [50 Donation Coupon] Forsaken Professor Book [30 Donation Coupon] 2 +10 Forsaken Gunslinger Pistols [50 Donation Coupon Each] Forsaken Star Gladiator Book [50 Donation Coupon] Ice pick[220 Donation Coupon] Compound on: Weapon 4 Phreeoni Card [40 Donation Coupon Each] Dracula Card [25 Donation Coupon] Doppleganger Card [25 Donation Coupon] Baphomet Card [15 Donation Coupon] 2 Incantation Samurai Card [25 Donation Coupon] 11 Turtle General Card [35 Donation Coupon Each] Thanatos Card [Offer] 3 Stormy Knight Card [10 Donation Coupon Each] 2 Whitesmith Card [40 Donation Coupon Each] Valkyrie Randgris Card [30 Donation Coupon] Lord of Death Card [15 Donation Coupon] 2 Dragoon Warlord Card [10 Donation Coupon Each] Robe : Forsaken Assassin Cross Cloak [7 Donation Coupon] Forsaken Stalker Cloak [7 Donation Coupon] Forsaken Creator Cloak [7 Donation Coupon] Forsaken Lord Knight Cloak [7 Donation Coupon] 6 Forsaken Champion Cloak [7 Donation Coupon] 7 Forsaken King's Cloak [95 Donation Coupon] +10 Forsaken King's Cloak [85 Donation Coupon] Compound on: Robe 6 Skoll Card [12 Donation Coupon] 2 Deviling Card [15 Donation Coupon] Assassin Cross Card [50 Donation Coupon] Shoes : 2 Forsaken Assassin Cross Shoes [7 Donation Coupon Each ] 3 Forsaken Champion Shoes [7 Donation Coupon Each] 3 Forsaken King's Shoes [95 Donation Coupon Each] 2 +10 Forsaken King's Shoes [85 Donation Coupon Each] Forsaken Lord Knight Shoes [7 Donation Coupon] Forsaken Creator Shoes [7 Donation Coupon] Forsaken Whitemisth Shoes [7 Donation Coupon] Compound on: Shoes 8 Fallen Bishop Hibram Card [35 Donation Coupon Each] 2 Lady Tanee Card [25 Donation Coupon Each] 2 General Egnigem Cenia Card ( MvP ) [20 Donation Coupon Each] Accessary : 2 Non-Donation Strength Belt [25 Donation Each] Ring of Flame Lord [5 Donation Coupon Each] Ring of Resonance [5 Donation Coupon Each] 4 Expert Rings [2] 2 Forsaken Belt of Mixture A [95 Donation Coupon Each] 2 Forsaken Belt of Strength [95 Donation Coupon Each] 2 Forsaken Belt of Agility [95 Donation Coupon Each] 2 Forsaken Belt of Vitality [95 Donation Coupon Each] 2 Forsaken Belt of Intelligence [95 Donation Coupon Each] 2 Forsaken Belt of Dexterity [95 Donation Coupon Each] 2 Forsaken Belt of Luck [95 Donation Coupon Each] 2 Forsaken Belt of Mixture B [95 Donation Coupon Each] Compound on: Accessary Ifrit [40 Donation Coupon] Welcome to my Stop and Shop. Do not offer lower than my price listed. If you're interested in any of the item, please add a reply and post your IGN. Also provide the time you will be able to meet me.
  2. Perishable

    Emp Aura

    Not to me. I don't think it just give 25+ all stats
  3. Perishable

    Hey !

    Welcome to the server bby!
  4. Perishable

    Hey Everyone

  5. Perishable: I was bored one day during my french class in High School, a friend of mine opened up a dictionary and we search for words and read the definition. When I got home, I wanted to make a new Assassin Cross. I was thinking of a name for my character... I couldn't think of anything... so I thought of some words from the Dictionary I read in class and all I remembered was Perishable. It means subject to decay, ruin, or destruction.
  6. If a different guild have the guild hideout, I would not mind the buffs at all. It's only been 4 days and you guys have already talked about the Hideout buffs are being overpowered. First day God Speed got the hideout, this is what Genesis said to us when I gave him the bidded Donation Coupon for the Guild Hideout. "Your guild will be strong with the buffs, and you will win WoE/PvP/etc." It was something like that, but this is in my own word from Genesis. The Buffs only buffs one Guild alittle strong from other Guilds once every two week. It's not like God Speed will get it every two week, so stop referring to us. Other Guilds will experience the Buffs and enjoy it. Buffs plus Disguiser NPC is what makes the Hideout worth bidding.
  7. Wow; I'll lick you. And welcome to the server!
  8. Perishable

    Hot Suggestion

  9. I want to try emperium breaking on supernovice but I have to go tao+gloom.
  10. Perishable


    You don't mind gay people right?
  11. I've seen it! It was a good movie. My cousin was crying when John got shot haha
  12. Happy birthday mar<3

  13. Perishable


    Scavenger Hunt, Password Event, Novice Dodgeball, and N-D Survival too please?
  14. To me, the hideout shouldn't officially be out right now. I think it's just a beta testing for the first guild that bidded for it. It's not a bad thing to remove the disguiser at the moment. They removed it until they can figure out a way to not let us go out of the hideout with disguise. We can abuse it but only inside of the Hideout. There were many ways you can disguised outside the hideout. Well, actually. It's not called abusing the disguise npc. We're just using it because it was there for us. Just like the stylist npc in fcity, it's there fo us to use because it's enabled for us. We won the Guild Hideout. There was no rules on the Biddin Topic that we weren't allowed to disguise out of the Hideout. Now we know since genesis spoked to me. Genesis have already re-endabled the disguiser back for us because he know a way to not us disguise in maps. He will activate this in all map when he has time. You guys need to stop complaining. It is what the guild hideout provides for us, it is there for us to use. If they remove stuff in there right now, the hideout would be useless and no one would bid for it. The server is trying to find out a way to help the economy and get rid of all those flooded coupons running around. Don't you miss the old day when people always buy your stuff right when you broadcast selling/buying/trading?
  15. I miss hitler. He was a hero in Germany.
  16. Perishable


    Make the items will not be sold if it will put vendor over max zeny (zeny won't just disappear).
  17. But then... everyone in the server will know i'm a little girl.. so uhhh okie, 101 school street?
  18. And thank you to all those that understand. It's not even OP. It's just a new thing you have to counter. For example, Asura strike, you need ghostring to go against it. Buffs; dispell. This is Forsaken RO. Unlike every other server. Forsaken FTW. Deal with it.
  19. Wow. You guys are ridiculous; The BUFF NPC IS NOTHING. Even if we have full buff, you can kill us still. Stop complaining like you can't kill us. You guys already know how to counter it. Use valkyrie randgris. Gosh, lrn2fuckin' play a game for once. If I don't lag and I can speed asura like before, I'd always pvp in forfild with it. I aways run because i'm scared to die, cz I lag and I don't even get mad like you people. I see alot of haters already. Having alot of coupons doesn't mean your rich. Do I have alot of coupons? No; You can even ask Genesis. They can log on my account and check. We bid that high because of guildies pitched in coupons to get it. And Elimination is correct; even he sees it. YOU CAN KILL US and why are you complaining? Damn. We aren't even that good. Lol people these day. Ask your friends, guildies, whoever. And save up coupon. just bid for the Hideout next time. Just do you, and let us be us.
  20. Ridiculous; the buff aren't overpowered. They just give you buff automatic so you don't have to alt client and do all those buffs on yourself. Which is why I bid 3333 for it. I'm lazy to use all those buffs. Like seriously, bid and get the hideout for yourself an you'll see. If stuff gets nerf, then what's the point of mking Guild Hideout and removing all those stuff. There is no EDP Buff. Guild Hideout is suppose to be fun and stuff like like. Just shut up and stop complaining. I wouldn't spend 3333 Donation Coupon for something that woudnt do the stuff that this Hideout is doing right now. I like it the way it is. Plus, all those buffs doesn't even add up to a gopell with 2x attack. They're weaker but has more stuff than that like Link, Kaizel, etc.. Stop complaining, let something stay the way it is for once. Impossible to do 400k damage with TSS. For your information, it was 40k. That's because someone was wearing 2x Deviling and Katar and went SB + tao + gr. To Survive champ and sb but then we TSS them. LRN2PLAY.
  21. Guild : God Speed Leader : Perishable Bidding 3,333 Donation Coupon
  22. I'll start! 1) Guild : God Speed 2) Guild Leader : Perishable 3) Biddin' at 1350 Donation Coupon
  23. Oh yeah, that's true. Emperium doesn't just give 25+. It does more in other stuff but I think the description say it.
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