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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Perishable

  1. Perishable


    I don't know man, Backstab is original. I think this suggestion was made before, not sure.
  2. Yes I did
  3. I deleted a character with a thana and green emp. That's my fault, so I never made a ticket. Just live with it.
  4. Agree. Disable in woe. Player now only do ladder in Woe. PvP room and LMS that's fine. People rarely Ladder by PvP room anymore because of the ladder during European woe. Plus, if you take off PvP during woe, we'd have less cheating from there.
  5. Dance With the Devil - Immortal Technique "I'm falling and I can't turn back".
  6. Maybe like even it out like 2 castle for european and 2 castle for american? 3 Castle is kinda .. ei? Since we don't have much players in the one of the 3 castle in american woe. Less castle = more competition and more pvping.
  7. Perishable

    Who Am I?

    I agree. copycat
  8. Perishable


    Hi Cassandra. I I hab feathers in my chicken ;[
  9. Don't waste money, ask your boyfriend if you can work out.
  10. ** Freestyle Spit Off -
  11. These are everything I want to say. I strongly disagree.
  12. Perishable

    Hi Hi

    Hey Jemie! Welcome to the Server!
  13. Ily2 Khim. And what's wrong with people with abysmal knight? LOL. Of course you can break it when compounding that Abysmal Knight on. This is because of last hit on the emperium that destroys it. Try breaking without that card, you'll see that you can break without it too. That card does nothing about your damage on the emperium but just take space in your weapon. Like khim said, replace it when a TG or something that actually helps you.
  14. I actually read the whole thing.
  15. Like me or Hate me, I don't really care. It's a game that we all play online, live free, die hard. This is a spitt off topic, go play your game.
  16. Perishable

    A Suggestion.

    Please don't make changes. I don't like 2010. Everything is not original anymore. Leave Last Man Standing the way it is now. I miss 2009. Disagree. Just my opinion, don't hate.
  17. When spitting off freestyle, you don't always have to rhyme. And also, if you don't make sense, we'll be like wahh? What did that dude trying to say? Like, wth.
  18. It doesn't really matter. You can break with any cards on, but higher damage have higher chances. You can break with 2x Poring cards in armor and 8x andre cards in 2x Daggers. Just get the lucky last hit with your damage enough to destroy the emperium. I broke the emperium on champion and my champ only does 6k using Physical Melee.
  19. I'm not going to Agree or Disagree. I don't play sniper so I don't know what's going on because I'm a noob.
  20. That's actually tight. If you guys think he sucks, why don't you guys spit off something better? It actually make sense too.
  21. Hi ;3! Ya i kno. we chatted :D

  22. Perishable

    Urgent Issue

    I Agree. This sucks too, like for an example. I'm going to use one of my character. Star Galaxy, if someone makes Star(Alt 255)Galaxy and broadcast abuse, the real one gets banned if a GM @ban 5h Star Galaxy without knowing its not the real one, the one with Alt+255 code and sucks for the one who didn't broadcast abuse gets banned.
  23. Oh, lol. Oh!! My bad.
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