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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Perishable

  1. Hailey Williams > Lady Gaga
  2. Hello.
  3. This is pretty good and long..
  4. Perishable

    Quiting Fro

  5. Perishable


    This topic has been made before.
  6. Welcome to the forbidden reality.
  7. Ouu. I want to see some Mecha!1
  8. Happy Birthday Jew.

  9. I wonder how that would look.
  10. Use Annie's idea.
  11. LOL. There's a Cirrus field too. Link please?
  12. Yeah, I think that's allowed. Just wait for a reply from Genesis or Relinquish first, just in case.
  13. Good job.
  14. LOOL. Good thing i'm not bald.
  15. Hello!
  16. Happy Birthday Emily.

  17. Yup, that's true. But yeah, the emperium breakers share damage on the emperium. The emperium takes different damage from all of us. From every Attack Speed, whoever hits the damage that kills the Emperium when it has low hp, destroys the emperium. That means every class can break the Emperium. But Like Cirrus said. Higher damage gives you a bigger chance of landing on the last on the emperium. This is because higher damage can finish whatever the emperium HP that is left. Like, Emperium Breaker #1 damage on the emp is 150k damage and the emp have only 176k HP, that's not enough. You need 27k more damage to kill it. While Emperium Breaker #2" is there attacking with number 1, he can finish it before the next hits come from #1. So Emp breaker #2 destroyed it. All #2 need is 27k damage or higher can steal the break on the emperium. Higher damage have alot more chances. If you do 500k Damage on the emp, and it has only 200k hp left, you can break it with higher chance. The Maximum damage you can see when someone is dealing with a Physical Melee is 32k, but its actually more, like Asura Strike. You see 999999, but on mvp you can see like 3m+++. Some of this cannot be true, but this is how I see it. You guys don't have to agree with me, but yeah.
  18. Perishable


    Who's fat? What does fat have to do with Ranting about phone? The hell?!
  19. Man, that happens alot. Everytime I do ladder, those people do that to me too. I was in the same situation as you. I know how it feels biscuit. Just reply with "SMD".
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