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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Perishable

  1. Perishable

    Lhz Aura.

    How much? $5 like myth? cuz its like myth aura?
  2. Nahh, that's CJ. Sora hikari is Driftking781, he comment and just said he's Sora Hikari. But the white kid is someone else.
  3. Some fight I got into with this bitch ass bully in my school on my 10th grade year at Revere High. 5 months ago.
  4. LOL. Freaking daniii ily
  5. The Band Of The Cock
  6. Was he a nigga?
  7. Perishable

    S> Gm Wings

    Err, nevermind. I'll offer 69 Coupons. You want Event or Donation?
  8. Perishable

    S> Gm Wings

    I meant the storage. And I don't trust deals over and over cuz people scam alot lying that they will do that. My offer is 500!
  9. Perishable

    S> Gm Wings

    50k is not even possible. I can only hold 30,000 Donation Coupon. Well, I don't have that much anymore.
  10. Nice. I'm going to watch it when I get out of school.
  11. Perishable


    That's not the way to do it. S> Guns B>Weapons. hit me up on MSN. Cuz I pussy
  12. Happy birthday Irene
  13. Vetoed! Ahh, fack! Wrong game.
  14. Nope. Back to 40!
  15. Perishable


    LOL. What the?
  16. Perishable

    My Art :)

    I like all of your drawings
  17. Perishable


    F*ck bitches, play basketball.
  18. Hi. I'm Perishable
  19. Happy Birthday Josh.

  20. You're a pally though, you can gospell and get the full strip away. I get what you mean though, I totally understand you.
  21. Perishable


    Seriously, I helped alot of people. I gave them alot of stuff, I used to always talk to them and help obtained the stuff they want. I never seen any appreciation from those people. F*ck scrubs. Don't talk to me if you're not being real anymore.
  22. I F*cking hate everyone except those I talk to.
  23. Hi. I love you, cuz you rape little children like me. I like a purple emblem. I pay !!
  24. Perishable

    Kira Npc

    This is srs bsn.
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