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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by Phenomenon

  1. Dis is m3 in my room at 4:58 AM, yaya! :D Sry it so dark in ma room.
  2. hi i bored so i post random quote, okay!! “Your actions, and your action alone, determines your worth.” pce.

  3. OMG you still remember me, I so touched! :3

  4. sorry men, wish you da best.

  5. i don't play much, don't stalk me


  6. Wish I didn't work today :|

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Danny


      Wish you were here :|

      .. I meant it *winks*

      .. LOL Sorry.

    3. Noir


      Get back from work already!


    4. Drax


      ya hurry home bby :3

  7. I can't handle it anymore. I can't. My mind is going numb. My vision is becoming blurred. I am losing control of all my senses. Can you help me god?

    1. Poringly


      Is dis a song too? or dis is happening irl? o-o

  8. jajajajajajaJAJAJAJAJ

  9. i knew it already man ;[

  10. I believe this idea was already accepted quite some time ago.
  11. Oh.. you... okay LOL.

  12. 60% is just a Frigg's King Shield with an Usakoring Shield. Are we not aware of the reductions we ALREADY use? I say 80% as a max is fair. That's a shield+a reduction hat OR wing+a combat knife(which renders you incapable of dealing damage). No classes really abuses reductions besides Stalkers, and that's because of the Soaring Bird. I find this all very ridiculous. I see as much reductions being abused during WoE as I see people playing Soul Gladiator.
  13. Also comparing WoE to regular pvp is IMPOSSIBLE because they differ greatly because of how WoE is scripted.
  14. :mellow: I read what Drax said yes, and he does what he says he does with the same reductions we were using in 2009.
  15. Disagree. I am sorry, but the number of reductions is not what is impeding guilds from defending correctly. I only wear frigg's shield with an usakoring and sacred wings when attacking a castle, and I tank for a good amount of time due to my high HP, rather than my reductions, as I do not wear many. The reductions we currently have been for awhile and saying that no guild can successfully defend because of them is all untrue. Influence defended entire WoEs without the emperium being broken with the same reductions we have now. Reductions help bring balance to one hit pvp situations. Lets see what it would be like with reduced reductions when facing a sonic blowing assassin cross with a soul link (2 hit KO anyone?) or a champion who has an aloevera provoke and 300 str. Observe an entire WoE and ask yourself. How many of those breaks came due to the abuse of heavily used reductions? Like none? Assassin Cross has low ASPD when wearing pure reductions. Am I not able to kill someone due to reductions? Answer is yes, stalkers. High HP & OP reduction to their weapon, but what about the rest? My clown dies fine to asura strike and other classes because I am forced to wear 3 kiels to spam my skills. I want distinct examples where our shields/headgears have caused someone to be unkillable. The root of most reduction QQing is from the Stalker Soaring Bird.
  16. you add me as friend, who you! O.O

  17. get back in game den yo.

  18. because you evolving men! from poring to BIG SCARY BEAST THAT PEOPLE FEAR/

  19. I can make prettier cups of coffee using caramel. ;[

  20. Nah, Bass is mine sorry. He was with me last night yo. ^^

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