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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by Phenomenon

  1. I'm basing my argument on the small amount of tests that have already been done, the Rune of Power Aurora is about the same as Emperium Aurora as far as damage-wise and HP-wise, I wore a Rune with 2 skolls, f. set, and I believe 0~1 Tao, and it gave me more HP then when I was wearing Emperium Aurora, so it has the capacity to surpass Emperium Aurora in the one advantage we thought it had. My argument is more based on the impact I think it will have on Emperium Aurora, an item which should be more powerful IMO than an item that you can get for donating, not on what affect it will have on PvP. (Ex. from the past; Fallen Ghost, Rune of Power Aurora is just similar to Emperium Aurora in respect to what they do)
  2. omg hi! i haven't seen you on a lot recently, at least in game ;;

  3. Screwed over? So are you saying +20 all stats, +5% additional damage to demi-human, and +4% HP is still not considerably good? Considering everyone seems to love the sprite. I'm not saying make the item be completely useless, I'm saying reduce it A BIT to keep it from being direct competition to Emperium Aurora, which should have advantage over it since it is not easy to keep a castle with a healthy economy in order to get Emperium Aurora without a large group of people.
  4. I like the design on the Rune of Power Aurora, and I love it's animation as well. And it's an innovation to the +## all stats auroras, but I'm a bit concerned on it's stats. While the added damage increase it does over Emperium Aurora isn't that significant, the HP boost from Rune of Power Aurora can be greater than Emperium Aurora depending on what +HP% Modifiers you wear, and the stats just put it too close to Emperium Aurora all-together in terms of HP increase and Damage output, making me fear that a donate able item will significantly reduce the price of Emperium Aurora, which is a WoE-only item and not easily obtainable. I suggest that the Rune of Power Aurora be nerfed to +5% added damage on demi-human monsters (instead of 10%) and +4% HP (instead of +8%) to assure that it will remain below Emperium Aurora in terms of usefulness, can I get some in-put please?
  5. Sheryl, my internet disconnected and I couldn't log back on :/ get on RO please

  6. what's up, is your first name complete actually "Sheryl-Leigh"? o.o


  8. gotta keep hustlin', 24/7 yo

  9. I have encountered the same problem with @whodrops, recently I did @whodrops 5111 (Galapago Cap) and it said that no mobs dropped it. Then I did @mi Galapago and in his drops it showed Galapago Cap as being one of them, dropping at 1.0%, this is true for a lot of other items as well which I have tried to look up.
  10. where are you in game?

  11. Closed, sold to K o u c h.
  12. Leave offers here or PM me in-game on Phenomenon. :)
  13. Do you have ramen now? o.o

  14. where's mr. goosey. <.<

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