I think you're being unjust with Athena by saying she's 'pointing out shit' about others, she's just reinforcing the decision and action Genesis took by nerfing Thanatos Cards with the Champion class. Like Athena stated before, Champions have something no other class has in it's skill tree, a skill that does damage based upon Def (unlike some other classes that have skills based upon Vit; ei. Creators), and even though it's damage can be reflected, it's still a decent skill that can be spammed and used to kill effectively. And nerfing Thanatos on other classes would accomplish very little compared to it's nerf on the Champion class, a Thanatos Champion was the most over-powered thing ever on forsaken RO. 9/10 times, if you're wearing skolls, a full-asura champion would One-HIT K.O. you with asura. I personally like Genesis' decision to nerf the card with the Champion class and commend Athena for defending his decision.