1. I agree, ranged classes already are at a disadvantage by not being able to wear shields to defend themselves in case of a full-damage attack, and I don't really see the harm in giving them a card to give them an added damage boost.
2. I COMPLETELY AGREE. I see NO reason why ranged attacks shouldn't be able to activate Strip Cards. Being ranged is their ONLY advantage. And it's completely useless when it comes to stripping? I think it should go back to the way it is, to create some balance again between ranged and non-ranged classes.
3. I agree that Champions should not be able to snap out of traps, that give's snipers no chance of strategically avoiding Asura Strike. I don't understand why Magnum Break could ever break traps in the first place, but it shouldn't, simply for the fact that traps should be immune to all attacks. 20 seconds is a long time, maybe 10?
4. If you're using bowling bash with a bow, you need to be up close, so I see no reason why the damage shouldn't be reflect able, it would give an unfair advantage to stalkers against Paladins IMO. Ranged Bowling Bash? Nooo. The skill is quite powerful, too powerful for ranged damage.
5. I think they're working on new cards which will counter-balance the HP nerf we suffered due to updates.
6. Agreed with being spammable, but not with being long ranged. Stalkers should have to come up close to de-hide there opponent, since Stalkers themselves can hide.
7. Well then Anarii, then they should stop making the Valkyrie Helmet Color Exchanger de-grade Valks to +0 when the color is changed. I agree with this, and I don't see how it would HURT the economy, when people who had a +10 item, will have a slightly more valuable item. I don't think it would affect our economy much, if at all. Charging coupons is a wonderful idea though.