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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by Phenomenon

  1. Are you in-game? I can't sleep :|

  2. I think Genesis has brought an idea similar to this in the past, involving our rank in the voting websites. I believe it was that if we were in a certain position or better by the end of a set amount of time, we would have prizes such as this. It would be a neat motivation for people to begin voting again, as the addition of excellent new voting rewards didn't seem to do it. I think that is because people have already racked up PLENTY of vote coupons to buy whatever it is may come out as a voting reward. Having a prize separate from the in-game vote coupons, such as rewarding the whole server with a 2x rate day/set time would bring in new votes in my opinion. As far as it negatively affecting our economy, I do not believe so. Anything that drops enough to actually make a difference from the 2x increase (such as the 10% mvp cards) should be affected TOO much by it, if at all. 1/5 chance is STILL not that great IMO, and the the more expensive items such as Ice Pick and Thanatos Card would still seem far out of reach if you ask me.
  3. Hey, thanks for the message. I appreciate that.

  4. I believe that it should be fixed with the next big update
  5. You never sleep, I swear.

  6. Yeah, some wings were kept off the forsaken king's room to make to donation exclusive for awhile, but it's been a long time since any wing special has been done so.. I suggest the following wings be added to the forsaken king room to make them more widely available. -Mini Butterfly Wings (All colors) Reason: Offered as a donation special 11 months ago, lets make these wings available to more people! -Light Blue Butterfly Wings (NOT baby blue) Reason: More appealing and unique wings would enter into the community. -Navy Blue Butterfly Wings Reason: More appealing and unique wings would enter into the community. -Light Red Butterfly Wings Reason: Reason: More appealing and unique wings would enter into the community. I love the red ones, but the light red ones look awesome! How it would benefit the server: People who like the look and fashion of these wings that have never been available to the non-donating public would buy them from the NPC since NO ONE has them, and would remove donation coupons from the economy. Reducing donation coupons => Less coupons circulating => More people will donate if there is a lower amount of donation coupons in the current economy, meaning it's harder to obtain in-game. All donation wings can be seen here -> http://forsaken-ro.net/donation_rewards/ As you can see, not all donation wings are available via the NPC in-game, there's no reason for that!
  7. You play fRO again?

  8. Two Castles per WoE is a great idea, but I also like the suggestion of a 2nd European WoE day throughout the week, one week of commerce is crazy.
  9. I'm alright, fell asleep after that last night, hoping they accept some suggestions!

  10. Seems complicated with the changes that happen to the winners / banned list on a regular basis.
  11. WHAT? Items MORE powerful than our current items? Are you CRAZY? Our items are majorly OP as it is.
  12. Atroce - +100 ATK with whitesmith class. <3 They need something to help them since Decrease Agility fucks them over so hard. Amon Ra needs SOME kind of buff to make it less useless.
  13. ADD THE NEW RAGNAROK RENEWAL UPDATE MINUS THE NEW CLASSES :) I would love to have the Battlegrounds and the man_fild's <3.
  14. I wish this wasn't so hard to do, it would do wonders for our economy. It would be worth a shot!
  15. Come on! It cannot be that hard to do this and I'm sure many people would like it.
  16. This is an official NPC, there is no reason that we should not have it! If you want to put a huge warning that your item may break before it lets you choose to slot your items, then let it be so. I just really want to slot some items! I know A LOT of people want it reinstated, so make yourselves heard here please! :(
  17. Is that all you have to say to your old man? :(

  18. o.o will you ever change that snap/voldemort encounter cartoon <<

  19. Halloween is over man.

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