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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by Phenomenon

  1. hicieron trampa, me debes 10 mil pesos por ser tramposa.

  2. hi my chinese frend! :3

  3. Phenomenon

    Ruck Sacks

    The High Wizard Elite Weapon already gives a higher weight capacity (since I assume you are using a High Wizard to hunt), the classes that do need a weight capacity increase, it has been given to them via the elite weapons. You can use @storage / reset stats to make your quest item, it doesn't take much effort.
  4. Yeah, it wasn't intentionally. It was just never fixed. Thank you Xtopher for showing me your topic, it looks like you're really devoted to High Priests.
  5. 1. I don't know if this was fixed or not, but since I have not seen any whatsoever, please fix the guardians in all WoE Castles, to the way they used to be before they were mysteriously brought back to 'normal'. It made defending, Woe Strategies, and WoE in general so much more interesting, and gave some more versatility to some classes, prompting team work. 2. I don't know if this was suggested/rejected/accepted beforehand, but anyone can correct me if so, but can we PLEASE buff Sanctuary and Heal again so that Priests have more to offer during WoE/Annihilation Events. They already are quite useful, but it was much more interesting beforehand when Sanctuary and Heal were actually considered useful. 3. Guild vs. Guild Announcer. I'm sure how people who participate in LMS/NDLMS/LTS have seen that with the new LMS announcer, whenever someone dies in said event, it is said so in a local broadcast. I think this should be enabled in GvG as well, as it would make the event much more interesting, just how it made LMS more interesting. 4. Soul Gladiator/Soul Linker Elite Weapon Edits. The new rental weapons have done wonders for recently underplayed classes (Sniper/Gunslinger), finally giving these classes an even chance in a high rate environment, but I feel soul gladiators and soul linkers were left behind. They can be quite good at PvP, given the right rates/circumstances/allowance of items, but in our server, I do not see this to be so. Soul Gladiator's elite weapon should either give them a heft attack boost (enough to maybe do 4-5k melee WITHOUT thanatos on people wearing usakoring f.shield?) or give them the ability to use some skill outside there skill tree which will compensate for there ineptness in our server, such as the ability to use level 2-3 Enchant Deadly Potion, or a skill that has a nice attack boost to it, such as bash, zen and throw spirit sphere (I've seen this on other servers), etc. For Soul Linker's, I'd say enable the use of a high level bolt or magical attack, or a higher matk boost. They, like wizard/professor, are doomed to be more int/matk based, and thus should be nullified (to an extent, reflect is killer.) because of GTB users, but they should be given an opportunity to be a force to be reckoned with if an open opportunity for an attack arises.
  6. Phenomenon

    Marriage Npc

  7. como me los vas a pagar? LOL.

  8. nikka stoel ma BYKE

  9. i need something to give me a high, man.

  10. I love that aura action, that would be so BOSS.
  11. Does anyone have a screen shot of the super saiyan aura on a RO character, or know where I can see it?
  12. I just bored and socialize

  13. I wasn't trying to fight you, haha


  15. Do you have my 60? lol
  16. Adds a slot, 1~3, depending on the item.

  18. I heard varying reasons from Senior GMs. It was between the unexpected item loss of some, and the desire to make slotted ice pick an event reward, but I don't thin thse 2 reasons are enough to keep the slot enchanter disabled.
  19. Okay, awhile ago I suggested that the slot enchanted be re-added because I saw no real reason for it to be taken out. The three arguments the GM's gave against my suggestion was. 1. Item loss was possible on players unaware of the chance of the item breaking. 2. Slotted Ice Pick wanted to be kept a low % drop/event reward at a later point. 3. There were more important things to deal with at the time. Well, well. All three reasons are not good enough to keep it away, in my opinion, and as I was told to revisit the suggestion at a later point, I am doing it right now. These items, once slotted to it's maximum, are neither over-powered, nor completely useless either. If we are so concerned with people losing items because they are unaware of the possibility of their item breaking, why not add a large warning before attempting to slot items within the script of the NPC? It's very simple, add a noticeable warning and remove ice pick from the slot list, and please give me back my enchanter. I don't know whether there are more 'important' things in the works, but I think it would take minimal effort to restore the slotted and the usefulness (IMO) it's items brought with it.
  20. Hi, I hit you in for_fild, but you ran ):


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