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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by Phenomenon

  1. dang, you must accept the comments, ;_;

  2. i love all that fail <3

  3. life's hard man :(

  4. no, I'm not sorry, it's all you

  5. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

  6. your signature and it's taunting makes me QQ

  7. estoy bien, algo cansado, pero es expectado cuando duermes 3 horas =/

  8. nothinggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg

  9. I don't understand what is so wrong about my suggestion. With the same stats, not considering attack speed or cast time, Rune will do more damage then emperium aurora, and with the right HP modifiers, it adds more HP. +20 all stats, +5% demi-human damage, +4% HP is still good. The second best aurora there is, like it should be. It's a donation item, Emperium Aurora is not, it's harder to obtain, it's stats should reflect that and should not be in 'close' competition with a donation item. Emperium Aurora did more with Asura strike because of the +% demi-human from Thanatos x2 (1+.28+.28+.5+.1) in HerLove's weapon, which makes the added damage modifier from the Rune do less, but you forget that not everyone has those cards.
  10. Even so, it's an item that can be gotten from donating, while Emperium Aurora is an item that can be gotten from War of Emperium, besides it's value, it should have an advantage over an item that originated from donating.
  11. GET WELL SOON! jkkkkk kkk, we need to do more you know ;)

  12. I didn't get my emperium aurora from woe, I bought it, and I never donated. In fact, I bought an emperium aurora when fRO only had one castle. But that's besides the point, just wanted to make it clear that I didn't "Afk" for my emperium aurora. With the same stats, RoP does more damage and with the right modifiers adds more HP.
  13. It's not about being within a certain demographic's price range, it's about the difficulty it takes to obtain certain items, and how there advantages should reflect said difficulty
  14. I fixed my stats to accommodate for what I base my sinX stats after, instant cast with gold valk, sacred wings, middle aurora, f. boots (+10 agi), not f. set bonuses (I use valkyrie manteau) With Emperium Aurora I did: 13600~14100 damage, 257985 HP Then I accommodated my stats for the RoP Aurora With Rune of Power Aurora I did: 13100~13300 damage, 254896 HP So emperium aurora is better, but by what margin? While these tests confirm Emperium Aurora is better, it is by a very small margin that it remains superior to the RoP Aurora, and I believethat the stats of the RoP Aurora should be reduced because of how close it comes to equaling Emperium Aurora.
  15. By the slightest of margins I'm sure.. I believe Emperium Aurora will suffer in the market in the end.
  16. The formula, taking into account added stats and added damage, Rune of Power should do more. And adds more +HP% with certain modifiers?
  17. Even so, anyone with a credit card and little knowledge of RO can get one, I'm not saying nerf it a lot or even make it be useless, I like the Aurora myself and will get one, I just don't like it being about the same as my Emperium Aurora, since WoEing is not as easy as it seems, it requires a team effort.
  18. I'm not saying the item is over-powered. I'm saying it's in direct competition with an item that is, as of right now, much harder to obtain than the Power of Rune Aurora itself. It will in-turn reduce the value of the harder to obtain item (Emperium Aurora), an item that is, as I said, at this moment harder to obtain. And your new aurora which will be better than both of these will be a WoE item, not a donate able item, a WoE item of course should have an advantage to a donate able one.
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