Yeah, some wings were kept off the forsaken king's room to make to donation exclusive for awhile, but it's been a long time since any wing special has been done so.. I suggest the following wings be added to the forsaken king room to make them more widely available.
-Mini Butterfly Wings (All colors)
Reason: Offered as a donation special 11 months ago, lets make these wings available to more people!
-Light Blue Butterfly Wings (NOT baby blue)
Reason: More appealing and unique wings would enter into the community.
-Navy Blue Butterfly Wings
Reason: More appealing and unique wings would enter into the community.
-Light Red Butterfly Wings
Reason: Reason: More appealing and unique wings would enter into the community. I love the red ones, but the light red ones look awesome!
How it would benefit the server: People who like the look and fashion of these wings that have never been available to the non-donating public would buy them from the NPC since NO ONE has them, and would remove donation coupons from the economy. Reducing donation coupons => Less coupons circulating => More people will donate if there is a lower amount of donation coupons in the current economy, meaning it's harder to obtain in-game.
All donation wings can be seen here ->
As you can see, not all donation wings are available via the NPC in-game, there's no reason for that!