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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by Phenomenon

  1. hi profile viewer

  2. hey, you don't even say hi? rude.

  3. Phenomenon

    Saiyan Tail

    I'm bored, so I want to suggest a new vote rewards item. It's called 'Saiyan Tail', and it's basically the same sprite as raccoon tail, but recolored brown. This is a reference to the Saiyans in the Dragon Ball Series. Suggested stats : Enable use of level 1 fury, 1 slot or IDK, ideas? Thanks. Pic of d00d (Raditz) with the tail:
  4. pm me on Massacre when done, then
  5. I'll buy 180. :3
  6. I use www.thesaurus.com
  7. did you spend my coupons on booze? :(

  8. I don't stalk, I just check if you still play LOL

  9. hi men i gvg 4 u!!

  10. Tie, SSJ3 Goku & Vegetto
  11. Well, lets be realistic. No matter what stat additions are added to those weapons, those classes are rather underpowered. The various skills which a Soul Gladiator and Soul Linker bring to a PvP aspect are rather limited in a high rate server which has healing items allowed in PvP areas. I have different ideas like having their weapons give skills such as Cold/Fire Bolt and a heft Int/MATK boost(Soul Linker), since their other MATK based skills are unallowed in PvP (they are rather powerful if an enemy has GTB unequipped) and Bash and a decent ATK boost (Soul Gladiator). Taekwon seems OK, sort of like a wannabe Paladin with it's huge HP boost brought upon by it's rank, but these classes are really not that useful in their current state. I say we make more drastic changes to their weapons than just stat additions, but I'm not very experienced with them so I wouldn't know what EXACTLY to suggest.
  12. It's a shame you left.

  13. sorry i logged out on you, i was really tired

  14. It's alright, it does get pretty boring here..

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