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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by Phenomenon

  1. Lets do it then!!11
  2. Take turns breaking? 0.01% is so low that you're lucky if you get an item in 4 WoEs. So yeah, I agree with keeping it at a low % for the drops, and with 200m HP or MORE (more pls.) it wouldn't be that easy to take turns breaking.
  3. That would make at least 40+ seconds for a person/group of people to break it (about) with an undefended castle, and 2.5 minutes of constant, uninterrupted fully geared damage on a defended castle... sounds good. As even the heaviest defended castle (25+ people) has been broken with just 2-3 breakers and 1 paladin, which shouldn't be the way things are. Encouraging people to defend more is a worthwhile idea, as an entire guild against another guild is much more entertaining than just against a single person.
  4. I agree. It takes much less effort than it does here to defend a castle on lower rates. I think it's far too easy for SinXes to break emperium's on our server. The HP should be boosted so that guilds with 20 or so people can defend decently without being worried about a sinX that hit the emperium for 3-4 seconds and screwed there emperium's HP by 20% or more. Lets restore sanctuary to it's buffed state and buff emperium HP. It's far too easy to break.. even the fullest of geared people shouldn't be able to break the emperium in under at least half a minute.
  5. Woah, low rate amount of time? That would be AWESOME LOOOL. I would love to see 30 breakers on the emperium trying to break it and all chaos breaking loose around them like true low rate RO. x]
  6. With Beserk and maximum breaker build? Like under 15 seconds. Edit : I've seen under 10 with full buffs
  7. Well defending a Castle still has greater benefits than simply breaking it. Breaking a castle and getting a 0.01% chance at an Emperium is not THAT great. Defending it and getting a 2.0% chance of attaining it, 24 chances a day (with 100 economy) is much more worthwhile. I think it will spice up what is ALREADY a breaker's WoE. Defending has greater benefits but people just don't know how to work together.
  8. 100M HP sounds good. :blush:
  9. I LIKE THIS. As long as the rare items drop VERY VERY low percentages.
  10. men i give u a gift, u want?

  11. lol mejor entra en RO :d

  12. Phenomenon


    Welcome to the server playboy Gary.
  13. regala todas tus items y mejor dedicate a vender naranjas =/ LOL broma.

  14. No man I can't sprite for shit LOL and thanks,

  15. I think your Teal Imperial Valk looks fucking amazing.
  16. LOL I BARELY KNOW YOU. pero.. juegas ro todavia? sabia que eras tu [GM]Genesis :S :s

  17. Phenomenon


    That's true however, the poor and gangless have already been discouraged from PvPing, though I think this suggestion would further deter them from PvP. I'm going to put my final opinion into this suggestion and agree with nines, I think that if for some unfortunate reason you die a lot, then you likely shouldn't deserve it for not putting the necessary effort in order to get the prize. I think we should do the PvP ladder with a certain point system where a certain kill/death ratio is necessary, and if the 1st place on the ladder doesn't meet the criteria, then 2nd place can claim it, and so on. +1 for required kill/death ratio. :D
  18. Phenomenon

    White Imp

    I'll get a screen shot for ya, let me find the .spr. Edit : Msned the pics. :)
  19. Phenomenon


    I change my view on this suggestion because of this post, I think it would discourage the mildly geared from attempting to ladder and encourage teaming and a less fun PvP environment over all.
  20. yeah men because of popular demand sigh. when are we going to go drinking again?

  21. yo se mucho de ti LOL yo te observaba demasiado cuando jugaba mas... yo LO VI. /GG

  22. Phenomenon

    White Imp

    Yap, there's a White Imperial Valkyrie. I don't have a screen shot of it however.
  23. pero tu eres muy rich, tienes blue emp :S :S

  24. te puedo pedir yo tambien items? o.o

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