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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by fykka

  1. miss Fro.. miss you @Julia sophie@Mel Mel

    1. Danger
    2. barrzabel


      hello fyka still remember me?

    3. shinawie


      Hey, Fyka. I just came back in fRO. Where are you now?? ✌️

  2. if need help leveling up, I can help you. n_n
  3. jahattttt haha
  4. very useful guide. wow ❤️
  5. nice guide kang ?
  6. the real bango @Furax360 ?
  7. Throwback when I killed many players ? Click me <3
  8. haha. debil like you ?
  9. glad you like it nemo ?
  11. HAHA ? glad you like it. :3
  12. HAHA~ IDC laaa ?
  13. TAC / STACY
  14. haha glad you like it :3 ofc more than RACIST ? thank you Mr. Chicken ?
  15. hha. maxie also good at art laaa. ask him :3 hihi haha, you pro make the building thingy. XD teach me senpai omg this post so long, sorry just reply. LOL thank you ❤️
  16. ya. you Indonesian too? ofc. why not? =3
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