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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Ares

  1. It's already listed in our tasks. Thanks for reminding us! :)
  2. Hey guys! Please be reminded that the Casino is still on BETA so expect some changes from time to time. We try to work as fast as we won't give you guys a heads up if there were changes made. Please understand that we're doing the best we can to COMPLETE all Casino games.
  3. Thanks for your report. I've listed it on our task list.
  4. Yes. It is meant to be two handed FOR NOW. I might change it soon. 2.0 castle has the a feature that summons it's barricades. To do that, you need monster drops from the dungeon we made. The debuffing is meant to avoid errors caused by some messed up sprites. This will be fixed soon.
  5. I've dying for the official release of this patch! I hope everuone will love the work we've done! The Casino is great for a beta release. I've tested that for days and I hope all players, even the new ones, will try it! The prizes are good for beta! My fave is the White prize of roulette. Try it out! The WoE 2.0 improvement is also a great idea from GM Moogle. This will make more farmers will be active for this! Most especially I'm proud of is the new Valkyrie weapons I developed (weapon effects). I hope that these new weapons will break the typical game play lf our players. If there are bugs, please do let us know so we can fix them ASAP. More great things to come guys! So stay tuned! I know right! Try it out and let us know what you think. ;)
  6. Here's my suggested rent cost for the room. (hours : event tokens) 1 : 10 2 : 15 4 : 30 6 : 50
  7. First Day as GM - October 2014
  8. Yes. It's a pending project that I have. Please be patient until we finished the current projects we are doing. :)
  9. Great idea! But most of these are already pending for our next project. Keep the idea coming! :)
  10. Really nice idea and well presented but I'm really doubtful about having an Emp Room. The people who are well experienced will say no to this and I agree to what they all say. BUILD is one of the important key factors of the game. People having access on too much information (also known as "spoon feeding") is not the best medicine to get better. People will stop researching if they get to have The Best Build for breaking the Emperium. I'm sorry to say but It's a no for me. :(
  11. Closing this topic now. Forsaken League is officially open! You may register your team now in this link > http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/topic/31914-forsaken-league-1000-forsaken-tokens-to-be-given-away/
  12. It should be your internet service provider.
  13. Hey guys! Do register your party and team members before October 10 so I can start drafting matches.
  14. Ares

    One Word Story

  15. Ares

    Msc Winners

    Theme: What You Did Last Holiday Date: September 2015 Entries: 6 3rd Place Forum name: danahhyeah In-game name: Dannibal Entry: click here to view Prize: 30 Event Tokens 2nd Place Forum name: borj29 In-game name: borj Entry: click here to view Prize: 45 Event Tokens 1st Place Forum name: pokutomokuto In-game name: Entry: click here to view Prize: 70 Event Tokens
  16. Theme: What You Did Last Holiday Date: September 2015 Entries: 6 3rd Place Forum name: danahhyeah In-game name: Dannibal Entry: click here to view Prize: 30 Event Tokens 2nd Place Forum name: borj29 In-game name: borj Entry: click here to view Prize: 45 Event Tokens 1st Place Forum name: pokutomokuto In-game name: Entry: click here to view Prize: 70 Event Tokens
  17. Great job bro! Why don't you submit this in Art Contest? http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/topic/31870-selfiemk/?p=333895
  18. Ares


    Deadline has been moved to October 30!
  19. It's looking great bro! Show us the finished product!
  20. You should invest for it if you really want to get the strokes, etc. :)
  21. Wow! Thanks so much!
  22. Party leaders must register for their team. Please follow the template below: Party Name: <party name> Members: <member 1 : job1> <member 2 : job2> <member 3 : job3> <member 4 : job4> <member 5 : job5> <member 6 : job6> <member 7 : job7> <member 8 : job8> Example below (could be a different build of jobs) Party Name: <party name> Members: [GM]Genesis - Sniper [GM]Veracity - Lord Knight [GM]Dream - Champion [GM]Ares - Clown [GM]Armstrong - High Priest [GM]Bishop- Alchemist [GM]Shino- Wizard [GM]Capuccino - Professor Once you have registered your party, you have to deal me the 160 Forsaken Tokens as your team's Registration Fee. Once the deal is complete, I will certify your registration by posting a screenshot of our deal in your post.
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