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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Aerofox

  1. School of Rock
  2. Brother, don't underestimate supports. Honestly, my best friend (a guy) is a support main and he always knows it's worth playing it. They can be initiators too :D Anyway... Right now in League, I'm a solo-top main due to the champs I tend to main (Tryndamere, Yasuo, Riven, etc) And even as solo-top, I still buy wards. Wards should be bought by everyone in League (and Dota 2 if possible, they got no trinkets.) My secondary role is jungling, which is fun because it's like real-time chess. No waiting for turns, you have to think what the other jungler is at and if you can do steals. And the best parts of jungling? Drive-by Smite-ing (what I call for stealing objectives like Dragon/Baron and mobs like the Blue and Red.) Disrespect Smite (my nickname for the blue Smite, because I tend to use it for lasthitting if it was too easy of a chase/kill) My worst role, however, is AD Carry, or ADR in the Philippines. Because: I can be imbalanced with it. It's either I'm fed or I'm rekt. Nothing in between. But if I play ADC, my favorite champ to play it with is Graves, and sometimes Kalista.
  3. 2 reasons that you may have possibly wanted to have this suggestion approved : To not let newbies/ND people PvP To make the pro PvPers fed for easy laddering And I agree with Alec, the title doesn't make sense. -1
  4. People who broadcast w/ special characters are special kinds of demon who spawned from the depths of Hell. +100 for this suggestion
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xv77KoMEYu8
  6. 435
  7. [franku's cuisine is the best, what are you talking about.] Granted, but in exchange, he deals no more damage. I wish to be in Realm 6.2
  8. @Rayray Regarding the 'invulnerability', you're not invulnerable but you just take very minimal damage (imagine redux) Ontopic: 1. Simple solution to the problem is just to relogin, and the botcheck will reappear, according to a GM. 2. Skill edits are quite occasional, as of today AS is still not fixed (which is already asked by Vinny to be fixed) 3. This has already been suggested before, and it's been denied most of the time. And Maya's quite efficient against mage classes or bolt users, than GTB. 4. Seems pretty plausible, why not? +1. 5. +1, I can't really think of anything else to say. 6. Right now, I can agree w/ the fact that Gunslingers are pretty weak, but the rest are pretty much strong enough to stand by themselves. Especially for Mastersmiths, Stalkesr, and my main, Clowns. :)
  9. ethyl alcohol yolo swag ca$h m0n3y h3uh3gu4u3h3u TPBM is a girl.
  10. 433
  11. -1, Disable PvP IN the Berry farming room, instead of the seed farming room. The Berry room's designed for newbies, and if you want to survive in the seed room, change your card comps. Also, the PvP is for the thrill >:D
  12. Step 1: Asura people w/ OL. Step 2: quit champ. = p33p33 champ tutorial

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. kyoshiro029


      Stat required for champ build, put stat all on luk and agi to hit emp.....xD now be sure to get rekt

    3. Aerofox


      @kyoshiro fuck stats, I play a champ that can 1-hit w/ 1 base stat

      @maii git m4cr0 n 300 int w/ 2x HRc

      @erwin Step 4: git m4cr0

    4. hedkandi


      R3m1nd m3 2 k0s 4 b31n p33p33 n4b

  13. 431
  14. [N00b, you granted my wish and gave me something better. I main Teemo HU3HU3HU3] Ontopic: Granted, but they mass reproduced and wiped the human race and Earth itself. I wish for a cake.
  15. Yep, I have a TV on my house. It's sitting on the roof. TPBM knows how to play an instrument.
  16. teach me how to tekken in consoles l0l
  17. Granted. You have been given eternal life but in exchange you will be in the shoes of Sparda from the Devil May Cry series. (aka eternal torture) I wish for AP Fizz to be nerfed.
  18. Granted, but they ate you alive and they didn't realize you were poisoned, so they died again together w/ you. I wish Champions can wear RoP.
  19. 429
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