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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Aerofox

  1. yep boys
  2. Hi Billy! Welcome to ForsakenRO :D I'm Aerofox, or Aero for short. Here's the beginner guide in case you have not checked for it via the website. Hope you will have a good time in the server.
  3. Sing the chorus if you want to show to someone that you can speak Spanish. lol
  4. >tfw a bad Zed wearing a SKT skin asks you if you're a girl. waw

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. thePast


      wat's AD TF? .-.

    3. Aerofox


      @erwin Attack Damage Twisted Fate. n00b wa1fu

    4. zerochilds


      swiggty swooty he just want le' booty

  5. I have beat 2 GMs 3 times, I beg to differ. :P
  6. It's disabled if you're on a map you can't teleport from.
  7. where there are unicorns, rainbows, and h4x Anyway, welcome to ForsakenRO, Akura! :) Not a bad name, quite nice. Here's the beginner guide in case you have not checked for it via the website. Lastly, we hope you enjoy your stay here.
  8. bailando
  9. you broke the game goddamnit pao
  10. I see the lyrics of Enrique Iglesias' "Bailando". I hear Nonsense Karaoke by Chris Pratt.
  11. that's what Ares said, TWICE, yet I still prevail
  12. 1,666 posts and 99 likes. What a time to be alive in the forums.

    1. ThePerfectHit


      I'll give you your 100th.

  13. I see 1,666 posts and a Forsaken Noble tag by the time I posted this. I hear Darude - Sandstorm.
  14. Yep, you can. It's a repeatable quest.
  15. Hey Tiffany! :D I'm Aerofox, or Aero for short. My guild in my main character, Not Aerofox, is on a social non-WoE English-speaking guild. PM me if you're interested to join, we'll be happy to have loyal and social members. :) Here's the beginner guide in case you have not checked for it via the website. And lastly, WHERE did you get your splatter brushes?! D: It looks great and I'm getting jelly af
  16. Hey Pewds! Didn't know you were an old player, you seemed new to me when I saw you in fild. But anyways, welcome back. :)
  17. quoting everything like I'm Confucius
  18. can't find a [cries in french] one, and I'm too lazy to edit for one. I'm gonna miss you. jk
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