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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by llarenasonny

  1. my sniper bless jacket = bless ring or cursed ring + toks
  2. Buying lk bless ring + lokis with runes..
  3. @ llarenasonny : (31 March 2014 - 04:55 PM) B>lokis with runes / lk bless ring /
  4. Selling 200 woe toks + 6 pcs gold fragment / gold raw / sifs whip / br tokens
  5. You went already in prontera?
  6. Leave name and how many you got.
  7. Urds Lokis w. Runes Orig hels Kitty claw Sif's whip Gypsy bless ring Gold RAW Leave offer and ign and i will pm y0u in game. Thanks
  8. I got lokis with runes
  9. Let it be..
  10. Leave offers
  11. I got the champ cape.. I need now bio cape for 1500 tokens
  12. I'm too much excited for the next update.. More head gears and wings please ^_^
  13. I'm too much excited for the next update.. More head gears and wings please ^_^
  14. Welcome welcome ^_^
  15. Offer
  16. Sniper bless ring+sniper SB+Frey with ifrits +2pcs frigs=7600 tokens
  17. 100 toks.. Gg
  18. Welcome and enjoy bra..
  19. Lhz aura to my dorcus
  20. 15 to 20 tokens
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