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Forsaken Nobel
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Status Updates posted by Ochibi

  1. Need videocard fok this :x .

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ochibi


      @Gm Ares foh mah PC , can't play fro >___<

    3. Ares


      can't play fRO? No! What is your vidcard?

    4. plok123


      it's that bad? xD haha

  2. Who knows melb/malay Shuffling =D !

    1. talbyy


      its Melbourne Shuffling... not Malay Shuffling uheau

  3. Fudgechocosemivanilla

  4. Update pls U( • (x) • ; )U

  5. Life is Dubstep nyahaha .

    1. Aerofox



    2. Veracity
    3. Ochibi


      @Aerofox DROP D' BASE NYAHAHA !

      @GM Vera its True <3 nyahah !

  6. Eyebags for sale 0.50 toks ea ..

  7. -sleeeeeep . Update pls =3

  8. Fake People are always FAKE pfft .

  9. Write us a review on Ratemyserver.net ! =D

    1. Rayray


      I just did a few hours ago since I noticed banned players creating false reviews :p

    2. Aerofox


      ^ those guys are just haters

  10. I am so laughing hard with Don Berreta ahaha ! x'D

  11. Blood Moon . Infinite tsukuyomi ! muwahaha

  12. Gimme a life ! /swt D:

  13. I am not a GM . Don't pm me pl0x x'D .

  14. And then i was drunk O___e ; fcla;slagasf

  15. lol people think i am gm in the forums lels .

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Rayray


      I already got enough attention as it is, and I am quite inactive, can't imagine if i was a gm.

    3. Ochibi


      @Rayray Oh ahaha nice ahahahah I hope Ray someday i could see you in game =DD .

    4. Ochibi
  16. Whudufq same newbies in abyss_03 farming tbox >__<;

    1. Aerofox


      And that I why I exist to kill them. I even kill geared people in there. #rudefarmer

      (why am I using hashtags in a forum, this is idiotic)

    2. Ochibi


      I can't tell if they are bots or not coz i already filed a ticket about those shits in abyss_03

    3. Aerofox


      GMs regularly check that area since bots in abyss_03 hunt a mob that drops 150k worth of an item. It's like a candy to kids. No worries, they'll sure as heck be banned soon. :)

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