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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by milkypink

  1. Hiya John! I've met you on the game with WimpyBoy or Jz. ;) Welcome, welcome once again.
  2. I had a nice time playing today and meeting engjian, Jam and so many more. Good times! thanks again Engjian! :D

  3. Thanks Sky! :D It's off topic because it's off the topic or whatever that means. :P
  4. Thanks Usui-, do we have a direct warp for that? XD I'm bad at direction and coordinates. LOL! Yeah, its working. It doesn't look good though, but heck it's fine. I know now what to do with the warping lol, I've learned something new today.!
  5. Oh... LOL! See it was just me... but this is bad.. u_u my RO is so dull because I can't see those effects! How come I don't get that before? o_O Thanks El!! :D
  6. milkypink

    The Story Game

    the mental powers that Usui used not only erased the memories of those who watched it but made everyone sleepy...Victoria, Milky, Lock and El fell asleep. Lock snores too loud that it shaken the whole FCity, evil death monsters like Baphomet rose up with his armies and ruled FCity. Usui was so scared because he's alone while everyone else is dreaming about K-I-S-S-I-N-G of someone they saw under the tree... 'twas a good dream...
  7. Are you guys getting this kind of screen whenever you're in a mob? my screen gets too wiggly and its moving like 10x in slow motion until I die u_u I didn't post this on help desk because it my be my lappy but I have a good lappy I believe. LOL! I've been playing RO in a different server and I haven't gone through this kind of thing, or maybe it's just me. I'm trying to get 1k evil horn here but at end I always die. hahaha! I also tried tweaking my settings but it's the same thing.
  8. Welcome, welcome Billie. :)
  9. wahahahah!!! I'm sorry Usui, XD I like that Anime by the way, Maid Sama. Or maybe its a different Usui, but I like the one in Maid Sama. :D Deep breath Victoria, it's 24/7. :D
  10. me! Going to work: and when I get really tired, there's my eyebags U_U... sometimes I'm a panda too! and, meet my furry babies. XD One day, in their lives:
  11. milkypink

    The Story Game

    they found their selves under a tree... Victoria, Usui and Milky started to sing... Lock and El sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes baby in a baby carriage! (spare me!! I'm sorry this is just a game. XD)
  12. \(^ ^)/
  13. Hello and welcome! XD
  14. May I, may I, may I join? No extravagant equips yet, still learning the loops. XD
  15. Who likes horror movies? XD

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. -Si-
    3. coffee break

      coffee break

      I prefer comedy and adventures =D

    4. milkypink


      What's MLP @Si? @gag, not really a fan of those weirdo killers but I've watched it, along with wrong turn. @victoria and coffee, I have so many friends who doesn't like horror movies. XD Which is a bummer if we are planning to have a movie date. :P

  16. milkypink

    The Story Game

    poof coco crunch pop up, El was the great Coco! El is chocolately and hairy! Victoria, Usui, Lock and Milky ran so fast because they don't want to die another 100 years... then Victoria thought of a great plan.....
  17. milkypink

    The Story Game

    El posted a status facebook on how tasty the goo goo shake was and everyone who read it said "eewwwwwwwww", then... (who's El by the way? Sorry El XD)
  18. Thanks EI7. :) Thanks Munchiesz. :D
  19. Me Me Me :)
  20. Somehow at some point my graphics looks distorted XD

  21. Thanks for the info etffbtw. :) I'm roaming around, still learning. thanks dude. :D
  22. Now installing. XD

  23. thanks Soapy, :D Still downloading, almost there. :D
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