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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by milkypink

  1. Doing the legendary Weps again T__T

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Victoria


      You have to farm them unfortunately :3 and about the thief, you just need to warp to the 3 said maps until he talks to you :)

    3. milkypink


      Err the horror haha. Yeah i got him to talk. I thought he'll give it to me haha. Thanks sis!

    4. Monaco96
  2. I am surely feeling sick today, tonsillitis has gotten into my nerves. :( Oh well, woke up too early so I cooked pasta for breakfast. I don't have a name for it so let's just call it "pasta local", since one of the main ingredients that I used bought locally. Makes sense? haha! I feel so weird. Close up look, topped with Parmesan cheese, black pepper, and a bit of extra virgin olive oil and salt. another way to eat your pasta is with iceberg cabbage. Place your pasta on the iceberg cabbage, topped with parmesan cheese, and pepper. Eat it like a burger! ================================================ Yesterday, was our 3rd year anniversary in our company and we had a throwback celebration. Here is the give away from the event: and the bitten part XD
  3. Yep I always see him there, with Scrub and Squido XD
  5. Lol you guys always come up with something XD
  6. and I'll sleep while you're in prison. XD
  7. Today marks my preparation for Bora tho I'm a fan of Bohol XD

  8. and disappears XD
  9. Fiction. :D Singer or dancer?
  10. You're just hungry bboy :)
  11. Prep for Bora :D XD ^__^

  12. I miss school :(
  13. my very active friday... after work, daughter duties, grocery, bills, bills, bills... my tummy hurts :(

  14. Thank you bboy. Sorry for the late post but real thanks for the warm welcome :)
  15. I hope you can buy those with etoks. :)) ======================================================= My waiting buddies for today. I was waiting for my mama :D My Seattle's fave, hot white chocolate mocha! :D
  16. This is an Asian thing, most probably an Asian thing. LOL! Post pictures of the food you just ate. I'll start off with our iHop trip just this morning. start to slur now... I'll try my best to name these food! XD Cinnamon pancake: Strawberry Banana Cheesecake Split decision: Fried Chicken dinner (my order) LOL! with mashed potato and corn. Carbs overload. :D Split decision and beef omelette or Big steak. My baby drink: chocolate milk :D That's all folks! I hope it made you hungry and angry. LOL!
  17. TPAM is a meanie T__T ahah! but it's so good to see you too! :D
  18. Good to see you killing, El. LOL! I now know how you love each other. haha! TPAM will teach me how to be a pro. ahahaha! Honestly, good to see you. I love your headie XD
  19. Welcome! :D
  20. Good night peeps! I have so many work to do tonight. Good to see Vicky on the game and meanie El. :D Mean mean mean. LOL!

  21. Where you at? opps sorry.. ahah! TPAM, I'm going to meet her! haha
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