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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by milkypink

  1. Go to school! hahaha! eeerrr, I'm really hungry. :D
  2. ha! so it was you then! I was doubting, I was thinking that your IGN should have Vanilla or Dream on it. >_< I was there, half of the time. hehe! Server is down right now, maybe I'll see you around once its up. :D
  3. milkypink

    The Story Game

    You're profile pic looks like Paul Wesley of TVD. XD
  4. Failed to connect to the server?! XD

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. sartorius19


      guess server down again...gen said it may be down again last night

    3. milkypink


      Yep, I thought I was the only one XD

    4. Prince_Jester


      oh ! yeah .. i remember he said that last night -_-

      well i guess i'm gonna prepare for school now .. it's nonsense infront of my pc xD hahaha

  5. I think I saw baby victoria at fcity yesterday with Immortal I think, or I might be wrong. I was half AFK or was it yesterday.
  6. haha! Is this another story game? Lol. I really haven't seen you guys on the game. XD
  7. You'd better run after posting that. ahaha!
  8. I'm amazed how my topic became hot when it was actually a noob question. hahah!
  9. milkypink

    The Story Game

    I'm too lazy to read all your posts.... so Milky bought a venti, Hot White Chocolate Mocha and started to play fRO. ahaha!
  10. My hands are clean! hahahah!
  11. hahah!! You found him!!! I don't think Vicky will post back. LOL!!
  12. Closet clean up. Giving away stuffs. The horror of cleaning.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Prince_Jester


      i love rats :P hahaha

    3. milkypink


      well unless he's hamtaro. i have those way before and they were too cute but I'm not a fan of black, long tailed rats that lives in the sewer. No sir!

    4. Prince_Jester


      haha!! uhh uhh !! NO NO !! not those Black rats xD hahaha

  13. I'm hungry >___<
  14. Yay Agnes!!
  15. hahaha! I knew you'll give up! I won!! LOL
  16. Point taken, I could easily see them above me eh? Or maybe, remember that boy under the bed sheet movie? XD hahah!
  17. hey soul sister ~ up beat!

    1. Prince_Jester


      Yeah ! baby ! yeah ! xD hahaha

      ~ Let's Do the Harlem Shake ~~ -_-

      Good morning ^_^

  18. That's the thing, I don't have a bed frame. I only have the bed on the floor so no ghost should be lurking under my bed. LOL!
  19. i survived monday but tuesday is killing me thru over lack of sleep. How am i supposed to work later? Crammmmmiiinnnggg!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Prince_Jester


      LoL! try red bull guys ^^, Energy drink or Orange Juice ^^,

      I've Proven and tested those two :P hahahaha

    3. Victoria


      Eat Vanilla Ice Cream ! :)

    4. Prince_Jester


      Cookies and Creaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam :slur:


  20. This is a never ending story. Lol. I can't sleep!!
  21. Watch your head, try it its fun!
  22. la la la la la... woot~woot!
  23. hahahahah!! Funny! Its waaayyy off the topic.... but its fun. haha!
  24. yep, welcome... welcome!!
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