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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by sshinytoyguns

  1. HOLY COW! Pepe Smith! He is waaaaaaaaaaaay before your time, bby! And waaaaaaaaaaaaay before my time either! :O When was this gig? I'm surprised he's still alive! Attention, Jenova Project! Come on don't be shy! :laugh: Mama Goose demands it! xD
  2. YES!! Another old timer like me! :laugh: Welcome to the server, ya!
  3. POST A PHOTO TIIIIME! :laugh: Say some fun stuff about yourself too! I need to see my children and since your mama goose got no shame on selfies...so imma start. Hi. I'm Laura, almost 30 years young. Wife, nerdist, gamer, runner, and galaxy dreamer. So yeah...here's yours truly, your Mama Goose. xD PS: Still working on our new emblem, but I got distracted with selfies. YAY! :laugh: /rice
  4. If you're up to a guild that has a lot of shenanigans then feel free to join us. I'll be more than happy to adopt you. :laugh: http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=25003?st=0
  5. This great info! Thanks, Bishop for clarifying! :))
  6. Hi! My Alyxia is online, but AFK at the moment due to work. I will be on later after 6pm (GMT -8, US Pacific Time). :laugh:
  7. Hey y'all! I'm in need of the following items at 2 tokens each: 1 Bobbin of Goddess 1 Odin's Armor Piece 1 Loki's Staff Thanks! :laugh: Cheers, Laura
  8. Hey! I am interested with Bobbin Goddess, Odin's Armor Piece, and Loki's Staff. :laugh:
  9. Hey guys, help a lady here ya? PC> Odin's Armor Piece, Bobbin of Goddess, and Loki's Staff. Thanks lovelies! <3

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. sshinytoyguns
    3. gagosila123


      i got many spare of that both :D inbox me and pm u with my ingame char... :D

    4. sshinytoyguns


      YAAAAY! I sent you a PM 'mate! :D

  10. Wuut...this is super awesome!!! :D
  11. I'm on! Ahoy, morning heeere! XD
  12. The IGN's Alyxia and Malin. Laura in real name. :) Pleased to meet your acquaintance. :laugh:
  13. Haha! I messaged you Ely. Unfortunately, none of my guildies are OL atm. :((
  14. I'll be on later as well! Yay for 3-day weekend! Whoop! :laugh:
  15. LOL! Slow, but steady as she goes! ;)
  16. SHHH! XD we're pretty international doe yo! :p
  17. Got you covered 'mate! I'll keep you posted! :))
  18. Or don't be like me, FOREVER AFK. HAHA!!! XD
  19. I agree! If there is a priest out for tokens then I don't mind paying in tokens. Just not too much. lol. I'll be busy tonight farming for seeds either way. XD Thanks, bby!
  20. Attention my Advent Children! I am currently looking into making a new guild emblem and hope to have it ready by the end of this week. Stay tuned, ya?! :laugh: Cheers, Laura HI Nampyon! Of course! I will be online after 6pm GMT -8 (US Time). If I'm not, try to pm plok in-game. He has invite permission! :)
  21. Omigosh! Thank you! I'd still return your kind gesture with something, but I am not sure what though! Stay tuned! Hey Ely, most likely! Mine is GMT -8 (US Time). I'll try my best to farm seeds tonight and throughout the week before this weekend. How many seed tickets do ya need? Thanks again bruh! I'll keep you posted! :laugh: No worries, bby! Family always comes first! ;) Heeey! Thanks! How many seed tickets do you require? :)) Omg! You guys! Thank you so much! This is a tad bit overwhelming! If you raid for seeds, please do tell me how many you require. I have to make sure I have everybody covered! :laugh: Cheers, Laura
  22. Thank you, elykarmic! Just let me know mate! :)) Oh, let me know what you require for payment. :)
  23. My friends/guildmates need not to fund my personal necessities and I can assure you I have all the means to organize this raid. Needless to say, thanks for your 2 cents and I will make a note of your prerequisite. Thanks, Laura
  24. Heya peeps! This coming weekend I plan to complete my blessed ring quest for my bio. The topic title says it all, but my 'mates and I are looking for a veteran high priest and clown to help us with raiding. My ideal pay is 15 berry tickets or 10 tokens. If you think this pay is not fair then tell me want you require of. Fair warning, I can negotiate, but if you require too much then just move along. I'm not being mean, but just being firm. Comment or PM me here or in game if you are interested. Thanks in advance! - Laura
  25. Oh come on man...really I am not cute? Ouch.
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