Yeah. Don't worry, no ill wills towards our guild. He thinks our guild is really nice and everybody is friendly. :))
Please note I'm not completely speaking out for him, but here are some reasons I gathered:
- the timezone difference really sucks
- he really wants to PvP or WoE, but feel that it will cost him tremendous amount of money to donate
I think he's still here in the forum. Maybe if he feels like it, he could let us know more reasons why he decided to quit.
Then again, RO is not for everybody. It's tough when you're new to a server and you see all the geared characters. Let alone you have a strong passion to PvP and WoE, but can't, because you're not geared.
Anyhows, that's that. I'm just sad, he seem like a cool peeps like us. We didn't even get to know him more or do shenenigans together. :p
Mama Goose