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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by sshinytoyguns

  1. Hi! I'm so sorry, I saw your PM from yesterday, but I was AFK the whole day! :'( To answer your question tho--I equally use them both. xD I should be on later tonight, like after 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time. Try to send my characters a PM again or Alexei Baxter, he's my subGM. :D I can't wait to meet you online and add you to our family! :D
  2. Heeeey! Sure thing! If you haven't found a home then you're more than welcome to join us! You can PM Alyxia or Malin! Hope to see you online! :D Cheers, Laura
  3. NOM! Can I punch you in the face again? :3 Yaaaay, Roxy! >:D
  4. nom... nooooom... NOM! NOM NOM NOM!!! :D That's what you get for licking me too mucho! xD
  5. do any of you know the cool down and respawn time of the poring king?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. thePast
    3. Prince_Jester


      haha! kewl xD but just for the sake of answering your question.. it's 60mins ^^

      Gratz ^^

    4. sshinytoyguns
  6. Naw! You are fine the way you are! It's what we're here for! :D
  7. True story! :D Can't wait to meet you in-game! :D
  8. Hello Roxy-kun! Nope! Not too late at all! You may pm Alyxia, Malin, or Alexei Baxter! :) Thanks so much for your interest in joining Jenova Project! :D
  9. 353 poring rebellious spirits later...647 more to go. story of a quest addict... xD

  10. quick question: is toxic gas the same as tear gas? D:

    1. sshinytoyguns


      wuuut...answered my own question...i wasted my time farming for the wrong item.. xD

    2. sartorius19
  11. You are welcome, Koory! Welcome to Jenova Project, The Obsidian Star! :D
  12. Hi Koory! Sure thing! I just got home from work, so I'll see you online! :) The person below me is Chris aka Alexei Baxter and is my subGM! :D Cheers! Thanks, Chris! :D I'll be on shortly!
  13. huh??? o.O
  14. I'm thinking about it, ploK. :) I haven't been on lately, so I am trying to see where I left off. I can't even keep up anymore! Haha! Thanks for the tip, bro! Hope you're enjoying our homeland and eat some balut and fishballs/squidballs for me! ;)
  15. Welcome, calbrese! I just got home from work, but I'll be online tonight 'till bedtime! I saw your PM and responded too! :D Don't hesitate to PM me here if you have any question. Happy gaming! :D ~Laura (Alyxia x Malin)
  16. Hi y'all! Quick Guild Notice: Most of us are super busy with iRL stuff, so we haven't been on lately. Alyxia my bio/creator is on from time to time, but mostly on AFK status (sitting under a palm tree). ;) You can leave me a PM in game or PM here if you are interested to join! :) Thanks a bunch, Laura (Alyxia/Malin) Hi Sheyila, sorry it took me a while to respond. I have been crazy busy lately.. :( You're more than welcome to join if you haven't found a home yet. Just let us know! :)
  17. Hey Ray, so I noticed you said preferably 2 of each. I made another legendary bio mace. I feel stupid, but I cannot equip both of them. :'( EDIT: Oh yep, told you I was being a blonde. xD You want it as a back up with different cards for switching back and forth, right?
  18. Dude, Ray, this guide is effin' GOLDEN man! I am at my lunch break right at this moment and decided to research how I can gear my Biochemist for PvP. I am not a PvP type of gamer in general (even in other games like SW:TOR), but I have been having the itch to do it time to time. I started writing down notes (I know, nerd...lol) for easy access and I have to say I've learned so much! I'll def holla at you to come with me to PvP to test out my rhythm once I get all the must have items you've recommended. ;)
  19. If you're interested :) http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=25003
  20. random playlist on my 8tracks app. :) current song: blood bank by bon iver
  21. Price Check: How much for Loki's Whispers? TIA! :)

  22. I have to admit that I was starting to panic that I couldn't get in to the website. Lol! So this is the reason why?! I love love love it! :D

    1. Princess Sammi

      Princess Sammi

      wish i could see it D:

  23. Aww! Thanks Plok! :) FF9 is my all time favorite followed by FF7! :D
  24. I second this notion! Definitely the tails, old rucksacks (like the Deviruchi(?) and Angeling just to name some), and maybe the Balloon Hat for some cute headgears. :) Thanks! :))
  25. Haha! Thanks! Well, you'll be seeing Alyxia sitting there. :) Thanks and heck yeah yo! I'd love to meet you in game! :)
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