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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by sshinytoyguns

  1. Thanks! :D
  2. okaaay...i am stuck with this aura quest. since i dont have a guild and cannot enter the Arunafeltz Guild Castle. Would anybody kind enough to lend me or price 1 Cold Moonlight and Dawn of Essence cheap? :/

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. sshinytoyguns


      the only monster i see is MVP Boss Ktullanux :( no luck with Dawn of Essence. It says it's only achievable via a Treasure Box. :(

    3. Veracity


      Hiya! Yes, that's correct, it's dropped by Ktullanux and the Dawn Essence is dropped by Mistress. Although, I would highly recommend doing the Legendary quests in the knight hall, as they give better rewards. :)

    4. sshinytoyguns


      Thanks Veracity! I did drop the quest and leveled my Biochemist up, so now I am just doing other quests. :D

      I pm-ed you here by the way about something! :D

  3. Lol, I've been hunting for quest items. Eleighnor is currently online. :)
  4. Lol thanks! I just float around and do some Questing. :D Thanks! :D
  5. Forsaken Knight Quest done and done! :D

  6. 18?! That was like, fifty million years ago?! Haha! You're too kind, lil sis! :D I guess the secret is enjoying the little things, never be ashamed to be a kid at heart, lots of laugh, and healthy dose of love! :)) I think our future kid is going to be one awesome kid having a nerd mum and a gamer dad! :D Thank you for your kind words lil sis! ;))
  7. Thanks!!! :D
  8. must...do...some...more questing... @_@

  9. Hi! Haha! Thanks for the heads-up 'mate! :D
  10. Haha! Thanks for the welcome! :D
  11. Haha! I love that the people here get a laugh out of it! Thanks for the awesome welcome! :D
  12. Never be ashamed of your selfies, yeah? :D And you're never too old to feel and live young. ;)
  13. work..work..QUEST TIME! XD

    1. thePast


      Have fun questin :P

    2. sshinytoyguns
  14. Aww! You're so kind, but you didn't have to! :))
  15. Hiiii!!! Thanks so much! :) Yup! Helloooo and thanks!! I'm enjoying it so far! :D Thanks so much!! :D
  16. howwwddy 'maaaatee! :D
  17. AHHHH! somebody gave me a free mistress card! these server is so awesome! lots of kind peeps! :D

  18. ohhh...lend your new neighbor some sugaaar. who would be kind enough to sell a mistress card for 5mil? pretty pleaaaseee with cherries on top??? :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Victoria


      BTW forsaken knight cloak gives the same effect as the Mistress card :) it nullifies all gemstone requirements of every skills :D

    3. sshinytoyguns


      ohhhh!! that sounds fancy! i'm working on getting Eleighnor equipped. i started some Quests and so far i am enjoying it! :D

      somebody was kind enough to give me a mistress card for free. sooo niceee!! T_T

    4. Victoria


      Im happy for you :)

  19. waiiiii....i wanted to add you as a friend, but i dont know how. :p

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Victoria


      But ill still teach you how for future uses. Once you visit someone's Profile and wanted to add her/him as a friend, there will be an Option there called Add me as friend.. click that then TADA! you have a new friend <3

    3. sshinytoyguns


      rightooo! thanks lil sis ;)

    4. Victoria


      No Problem big sis! ;)

  20. Yup! You got it right! My birthday was April 27. :D Thank you so much! Just turned 29, but will always be a kid at heart! ;) Suuuuuuuuup dude! :D
  21. Thank you sooo much! Yup, been married to my husband for almost 1 1/2 year now. We have plans in place having kids, but not anytime soon. So yeah, Riley and Lilly are our current kids. :D I pretty much can cook anything, except French Cuisine. I am Filipino part Spanish and Italian (do the Math there. Haha! ;)). Unfortunately, I don't follow recipes at all. :( GIve me a basket full of mystery ingredients and I'll whip something up for you! :D And OH MY WORD! Y'all are awesome! Treasure Box does cost about 150k zennies! I'm trying to hunt zennies for the Quest Items. :D
  22. Haha! Thanks, GM Veracity! Ask and you shall receive! Below is the photo of my two babies, brown one is Lilly and the black and tan is Riley. :) Lilly is 6 and Riley is turning 5 later this year. The photo was taken last Christmas. They're both long-haired dachshunds or commonly know as wiener/sausage dogs. :) I actually have a questions if you don't mind? :) I am one to consider an oldskool RO gamer. Since I am a newbie to this server I gain my items and zennies through hunting. I noticed when I was hunting for a couple of slotted items it seems like some of the monsters doesn't drop it. For example Sohee for Muffler[1] (just to name one). But when I go to the "Mall", you can actually buy it from there. My current High Priestess is level base/job maxed-up. I started a couple of Quest Items, but I am curious to where is the best place to hunt items that I can sell for big zennies via the NPC? Any advice is greatly appreciated! :) Hi Victoria! Haha! Thanks so much! I figured people will get a nice laugh on my signature! :D I see you love to cook! Awesome hobby you got there! I myself LOVE too cook! ;)
  23. Thanks! ^^; It's what I literally do when I wanted to avoid the world! :p
  24. Hi fRO! Forum and Forsaken-RO newbie here! I migrated from Blackout-RO which I played on and off since 2009. I've known Ragnarok Online since its beta days. Wow, talk about 10-12 years ago. ;) I am a wife (no kids yet, just two wiener dogs), nerdist, gamer, runner, sponger, self-taught amateur cook and I bleed garnet and gold for my home team Florida State University. I currently reside in San Diego CA, but will always be a Florida girl at heart. I play other videogames mainly from the Xbox console and PS1 Emulator. Whelppf! Self introduction ends here! Pleased to meet y'all! :)
  25. Thanks for this info. I have been looking for the Skill Reset NPC as well, but no luck. :p Forum and Forsaken-RO newbie here. I migrated from Blackout-RO, but still plays there time to time. :) Thanks again for this info! :)
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