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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by CombatMuffins

  1. LMFAOCRIPS Listen to a song, its called scrap killa by darkroom familia, or northside soldier by moussie. yadida. And on a side note, that was my first time seeing a young girl with a blue bandana, repping X3
  2. Okay okay okay, sorry. If what godrevy says doesn't work (which it probably will,) change the skin at the bottom left.
  3. Click on this to read this post :D
  4. I've yet to be scammed, but like, duplication is possible. Not here, not in barely ANY servers now a day though. And letting someone try on a item, is usually a scam but, I let my friend try my stuff on all he wants, and I let him know my ID\PW. I wouldn't recommend that at all, but I have trust in him so yeah.
  5. Whose not calm? You there seem the most aggressive. :)
  6. But don't me wrong, they are good, just need some more practice. (better than I ever could do) P.S. the upper half of the top drawing, looks great, the bottom needs some touching up. (not including the dark lines those still apply to what I said before)
  7. Its not angled right. Zack, I think you should work on your standing figures a bit more first?
  8. Neither is cool, I just hate it when people seem to promote it, I drink and smoke, but I don't go posting pictures on forums and gayspace and stuff. (myspace lmao) But, I don't know.. I see to many dumb kids posting pictures of them smoking ganja, its a disgrace to the stoner community that they have dumbasses like them showing it off like its cool, same with many different types of smoking\drinking. And before anyone talks shit on stoners, you don't know the stoners I know so yeah.
  9. Okay in your area maybe, I can't say your right or wrong because I don't live there, but you can't stereotype my area either, so I guess it dies here.
  10. You can't stereotype some smokers and say that all smokers are like that. That's so incorrect, I know plenty of smokers that don't smoke in front of others or inside to avoid the rudeness, and don't leave there shit out for others to pick it up. So in actuality, you can't base a few smokers on the whole smoking population :P
  11. I'm not trying to start no flame wars but, if your goal was to show that smoking is cool, (by the way the picture is taken it seems like you're trying), its not. I smoke but I don't feel the need to promote it. And one other thing, no flame intended either, smirnoff or however its spelled is like kool aid, I can pound like 5 without a buzz lol.
  12. They are great, need a bit of touching up, but the only thing I dislike is it seems really dark in the curves, like in the back muscles and the butt. but yeah I like them.
  13. I don't listen to atmosphere but i hear they are pretty good, all my friends listen to them. By far, Andre nickatina, he is the best rapper alive.
  14. I don't watch any of those. Except scrubs of course, thats a great show. (And I didn't mean to thank the author for this topic) I love mythbusters, Junkyard wars, hows it made, Futurama, scrubs, and my all time favorite. *drumroll* THAT 70s SHOW!
  15. Its being annoying. But I clicked them. Help my brothers city [url="honobooboo.myminicity.com/"]Help my brothers city[/url] Add the ind and tra and do it three times I had name of city wrong LMAO.
  16. EY FREND U NO WE LYK HAPPY U HEAR n_n TT_TT /sob /own /wah
  17. Ms.Necro over here.
  18. I don't get into drama.
  19. lolworthy
  20. I even got warned when i'm in this guild /gg lol
  21. Hahah thats interesting.

  22. CombatMuffins

    hi new here

    Woah...... Enlighten me, what does that mean.
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