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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by CombatMuffins

  1. WoE Suggestion, Not PVP\LMS Guys if you want it for pvp\lms so badly make another topic and stop crying about pvp\lms related stuff here. I won't be able to argue back with everyone in this topic for a few days considering I don't have net right now for a week or so. On a side note, <3 godrevy and my 40% warn in this one topic.
  2. sorry my net went out, how did thana go? I should have it back within a few days.

  4. waterball is really overpowered, and it will be abused with deluge under it and will be stronger, we will see 300 int 2 int belt 2 FBH wizards, forcing every class that decides to woe to use GTB, okay yeah, they have GTB, but now any class that is semi physical strong is going to come in and just drop them instantly, we don't need a woe where GTB is common and everyone uses it 95% of the time. lets say this does get implemented, I believe it will get taken out a few days later, like TSS not being affected by thana, how long did that last. If anything just enter a water spot in woe for waterball. Okay and yeah elemental armors, element cards, they might help but regardless not every person should have to use anti waterball shit all the time because of some stupid ass waterball skill.
  5. CombatMuffins


    I voted both of course. /no1
  6. Why don't you guys stop going off topic and post a picture, this is post your pictures thread not bitch about if a girl is a girl or a guy thread, I'd post one but I'm out of new ones so, no can do.
  7. 447
  8. Lol I work at a roller rink actually to be exact, but i love skating i just havent done it lately to busy. (skateboarding not roller skating)

  9. 445
  10. Okay, Genesis will make magic classes balanced, besides this waterball idea isn't well thought out by anyone who agreed, or they just seem to lack RO common sense.
  11. I don't care for to much glamor or whatever, I sort of like mine to look good and not be to extravagant, or however you spell it. Nightmare has my vote.
  12. Whatever :P

    So overall, you enjoying fkRO? I had brought it up to andrew plenty of plenty of times but he never seemed interested enough to try it out.

  13. While we are at it, lets take away zen fury zen for champs to asura, or edp to deal edp damage. [/sarcasm]
  14. I work at a skating rink so some nights when i'm not fixing skates I tend to make it for people zzzzz

  15. ITS ON. I'll add you cutie pie. LOL JK.
  16. Nah, I'm kidding before you guys try to warn me or anything, It was simply a joke i voted yes allow it, so yeah. Plus Typing Like This In All Capital Letters Doesn't Make You Look Better At Typing O_o WTF, I wish it worked. (photobucket picture)
  17. Wizzys have always been strong damage dealing classes, so you want to make them super buff being able to free cast water ball? the only thing thats a problem for wizzy's is gtb, yeah its a biggie but regardless, have you seen how much damage waterball would do? I've never seen it here but on nlRO (Slower pvp and less damage) It was quick, damage effective, and I would not like to see every wizard using waterball. I'm not considering wizards overpowered, I just think this suggestion is bad, maybe if you had to exchange a shield card for it and only usable during woe, I understand I suppose. And no smart one, I'm not complaining, its a simple suggestion with a debate on the side on it, and quite frankly someone should oppose to try and help people realize the downfalls of it, I might be doing a bad job but regardless before you start saying i'm crying\complaining, you can Gtfo.
  18. I believe Halloween is still a school day in the states O_o
  19. There it is, if this so called "suggestion" ends up being implemented, I'm totally fine with you have to exchange a shield card for it while using the skill.
  20. A little story based on boredom :D
  21. I was on and off, but to be honest... Lets stop this spam and let holy Vengance's guild back to recruiting, and possibly delete our post?
  22. I thought Brazil celebrated day of the dead? Or day of the saint... Or something I forget. Maybe it was Mexico
  23. *cough* look at my joined member date *cough*
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