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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by CombatMuffins

  1. CombatMuffins

    I'm back!

    Haha, if i dont recall.. We have spoken in Pront forge back in freya on nameless here and there?
  2. Okay, I'm making a Forsaken RO Promotional video, its turning out pretty good so far. A few request i have though. 1. If possible can i schedule a small recording with each GM if possible, and if your fine with it tell me when and we can arrange it, it will only take 1 minute of your time. 2. I was curious if there was a way i could some how record LMS\GvG without getting killed, any suggestions please? Maybe a GM can make me unkillable during event? (and of course i wouldnt fight\win haha) 3. Also similar to question 2, Is there a way i can monitor a WoE without being able to be killed? I want to make a good video but it would be a tad hard when a entire guild is attacking me haha. And if there is a way where i could get someone to scroll through all the custom head gears, then wings, then mid headgears for me, it would make my video be alot easier, and better overall. Thanks in advanced.
  3. Name: Anthony IGN: CombatMuffins Age: 17 GMT -8 Requirements. Fluent English. Friendly. PvPs. Preferably WoE's, if woe is intresting on this server.. Active. Not 13 year old immature children.
  4. 380! I think.
  5. Im not lazy D: Im just.. Well i guess lazy is correct <_<
  6. CombatMuffins


    i remeber. you always had names with capital E's.
  7. u.u Lol lets see if this place has assholes like nlro. (They always talked shit on my photos)
  8. Yeah you might know me from nlRO. Ive yet to put to much time into this game considering when im on i dont speak to anyone. I still play nlRO alot because the amout of friends i have there. So if you want to play fkRO with me hit me up and ill most likely log if someone wants to play u.u; But back on topic. My name is Anthony im 16 years old. Ive played RO for 4 and a half years, 2 and a half being on nlRO. Im experienced, not noob. At least to nlRO. i have to catch on then ill start being good on this server. (unless this server has similar builds\equips to nlro) then it will b ez. I live in California USA. Im 75% White and 25% mexican. 5'7 130 pounds (i lost 25 pounds because i use to be chubby) Naturally a dirty blonde but dyed to brown hair. Green eyes. Fuck it ill post a picture. (why am i goin into such detail....?) But anyways ill get along with you if you dont make me mad.
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